[open-government] Global index of primary public government (ideally open) data sources? Ideally with an API?

Philip Ashlock phil at openplans.org
Wed Apr 25 20:49:32 UTC 2012

The short answer is there has been some effort to consolidate at
datacatalogs.org which runs on CKAN so it has an API, but I think more
effort is needed to coordinate, curate, and maintain something like this -
including better aggregating from some of the other lists I linked to on
the wiki

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Philip Ashlock <phil at openplans.org> wrote:

> There are a lot of lists like this. I've actually been trying to maintain
> a meta list of such lists at:
> http://wiki.civiccommons.org/Initiatives#Comprehensive_Lists_of_Open_Government_Data_Catalogs
> 2012/4/25 Tariq Khokhar <tariq at khokhar.net>
>>  Hi Folks,
>> I work on  http://data.worldbank.org/  and as you may know, we have
>> "country pages" that list our data for countries and regions around the
>> world. Index at:   http://data.worldbank.org/country -  And here's
>> Kenya:  http://data.worldbank.org/country/kenya
>> I'd like to also start listing primary data sources on all these country
>> pages, so for Kenya, we'd at least have links to:
>> http://opendata.go.ke/  (national open data initiative)
>> http://www.knbs.or.ke/  (national stats office)
>> And ideall any other ministries or departments with public (ideally open)
>> data. A lot our data also comes from other sources (e.g. FAO or the ITU) so
>> being able to link to the data pages of these institutions would also be
>> great.
>> Does anybody know of a well maintained and curated index of primary
>> government (ideally open) data sources (including publishing
>> ministries/departments) with the index available as an API the World Bank
>> could pull from while making our country pages?
>> If there isn't something like this, ideas for how to do it much
>> appreciated - we'd be happy to host and help put something together.
>> The UN's list of stats offices may be a good start:
>> http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/inter-natlinks/sd_natstat.asp but I
>> don't know how they license this.
>> Thanks!
>> Tariq
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> --
> Philip Ashlock
> Open Platforms Manager | CivicCommons.org <http://www.civiccommons.org/>&
> OpenPlans.org <http://www.openplans.org/> | @philipashlock<http://www.twitter.com/philipashlock>

Philip Ashlock
Open Platforms Manager | CivicCommons.org <http://www.civiccommons.org/> &
OpenPlans.org <http://www.openplans.org/> |
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