[open-government] Next steps for this Working Group

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Mon Feb 20 15:19:21 UTC 2012

Dear all,

this mail is about the Working Group itself. Its up since early 2010, and since then it has done a great job as one of the main channels for the emerging open data community.

There are about 700 people on this mailing list. However most are not represented on the wiki:


People from the WG have helped to boot the open data manual (now called handbook) and the Open Government Data Camp (OGDCamp) in 2010 and 2011.

My feeling is that the WG is really a great resource. People share news and ideas and ask questions. Member of the working group have wisdom and expertise to answer a lot of these questions. That is in itself a lot! 

However I am wondering what should we do next? Could we as a working group do more? Are there projects we should focus on? What would you like to do at the WG?

Also, this working group has never had regular calls. So here is a proposal:

Lets have a regular conference calls to discuss these and other questions. In other working groups the calls have shown to a good additional channel to the conversation on mailing list.

What the working group should do in 2012. I have created a pad to brainstorm ideas:

If people think thats a good idea I will boot a doodle poll to find a date for this.

All the best

PS: we have also re-worked the WG website at: http://opengovernmentdata.org/ and would like to hear what you think it is missing, what you like or unlike!


Daniel Dietrich
Coordinator Open Government Data WG
Chairman OKF Germany

Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org - www.okfn.de

+49 176 327 685 30

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