[open-government] OKFest updates & travel bursaries

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Sat Jul 21 11:20:50 UTC 2012

Dear all,

as some of you might be aware, members of this working group have been putting together a strategic debate on the "Open Government Data movement and the Open Government Partnership" as part of the Open Knowledge Festival #OKFest, 17 - 22 September in Helsinki, Finland. http://okfestival.org/. More information, see below.

Special invite to join the Open Government Bar!
Please note that on Tuesday 18th September 2012, from 18:00 - 19:30 we have reserved a slot for "Country Updates". Everybody is invited to join and share short (5min) updates on the latest developments on Open Government Data in their countries. 

I quickly wanted to let you know that the last round of travel bursaries for the OKFestival has been announced. If you want to come to Helsinki, do apply! More information, see below.

All the best

# Open Government Data movement & the Open Government Partnership debate

A debate about the Open Government Data movement & the Open Government Partnership and the potential role and impact of civil society in the OGP process, on Tuesday 18th September 2012, in Helsinki, Finland. 

1st session: Opening plenary with food for thoughts on the Open Government Data movement & the Open Government Partnership (11:30 - 13:00 )

• Keynote by Warren Krafchik, Director of International Budget Partnership, and co-chair of the Open Government Partnership (30min) invited 
• Global Open Data Standards by Martin Tisne from Omidyar Foundation (15min) confirmed
• Introducing Sunlight Foundation's new Open Data Policy Guidelines by John Wonderlich or someone from Sunlight Foundation (15min) confirmed
• Presentation & discussion on the Finnish OGD/OGP! roadmap by Teemu Ropponen from Ministry of Justice or someone from Finnish Government (30min) confirmed

2nd session: Debate on the Open Government Partnership (14:00 - 15:30)
Part I: Civil Society & Government representatives discussing the Open Government Partnership (50min)
Part II: Opening Parliament: Prospects for Partnership (20min)
Part III: Introducing the "Civil society initiative to define standards on open government" (20min)

3rd session: Debate on Open Government Data and related movements (16:00 - 17:30)
Plenary I: Strengthen the dialogue & cooperation FOIa, PMO and Open Data movements (45min)
Plenary II: The bigger picture: open data / open government and open societies (45min)

4th session: Open Government Bar (18:00 - 19:30)
Part I: Re-capture the discussions of the day (10min)
Part II: Open Government Data country-updates (80min)

See the details in the actual planning document here:

## Last round of Travel Bursaries & Free Week-Long Tickets

We are also very happy to announce another round of Travel Bursaries for development practitioners, coders and new international guests thanks to Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), the Sunlight Foundation and other programme partners. Deadlines are the 1st and 8th of August, so we recommend applying soon. Applications can be found at http://okfestival.org/travel-bursaries/.

## Early Bird Tickets now open

OKFestival 2012 Early Bird Tickets are available at discounted rates until the first week of August at http://okfestival.org/early-bird/tickets. This year we offer both day and week tickets, with week-long tickets covering all of OKFestival’s action-packed core conference days from Tues Sept 18th to Thurs Sept 20th, with a summary and debrief day on Fri Sept 21st. A diverse variety of Satellite Events are also running before and after the event.

See also our latest blog post about OKFestival

Daniel Dietrich
Open Government Data WG Coordinator 
EU Open Data WG Coordinator 
OKF Germany Chairman
ePSI platform Editor

Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org - www.okfn.de

+49 176 327 685 30

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