[open-government] Open Data Ireland - Submission Paper to Government
Lee, Deirdre
Deirdre.Lee at deri.org
Sat Mar 31 12:32:36 UTC 2012
Pleae find below details on a submission paper that the Irish National Cross-Industry Working Group on Open Data presented to the government and key department officials. DERI, NUI Galway, is an active member of this working group, advising on best practices and technologies associated with Open Data. We have authored an accompanying paper that provides an overview of Open Data. Both of these papers can be found at http://www.iia.ie/resources/resource/18/iia-whitepapers/.
Kind regards,
Deirdre Lee
Deirdre Lee
Research Associate
eGovernment Domain (DEG)
DERI, NUI Galway
IDA BusinessPark, Lower Dangan,
Galway, Ireland
deirdre.lee at deri.org
skype: deirdrelee
+353 91 495336
From: IIA on behalf of IIA
Sent: Fri 3/30/2012 4:21
To: Lee, Deirdre
Subject: Open Data Ireland - Submission Paper to Government
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Hello from the iia
Open Data Ireland - Submission Paper to Government
30 March 2012
Open Data Ireland - Submission Paper to Government
This time last year the IIA Annual Conference was titled "Open for Business" as we wished to raise the profile of Open Data as an important game changing opportunity for our industry.
Since then, a lot has been achieved in progressing the OpenData agenda in Ireland. In particular, the establishment of a National Cross Industry Working Group for OpenData has facilitated a collaborative approach for developing an Open Data submission to Government.
The IIA is an active member in this National Cross Industry Working Group and the group have highlighted the need for Government policy, strategy and
implementation plan for the publishing of Open Data.
Last month the Working Group made a submission to Government on this issue and a delegation from the group (Dominic Byrne, Fingal CoCo, Gerry Murray EMC and Joan Mulvihill IIA) presented subsequently to key department officials.
You can now read these papers here <http://iia.newsweaver.ie/1fmzyzr70xb15f4l6kxn6g?email=true&a=5&p=22846045&t=17451814>
We would like in particular to draw your attention to Appendix 2 of the Open Data briefing paper which highlights the extensive Open Data activity that has taken place in the past 12 months.
Members of the National Cross Industry Working Group are:
Joe Horan (Chairman) - South Dublin County Council
Tim Willoughby - Local Government Management Agency
Dominic Byrne - Fingal County Council
Karl Flannery - Irish Software Association
Joan Mulvihill - Irish Internet Association
Gar McCriosta - Irish Association of Software Architects
Deirdre Lee - DERI
Michael Hausenblas - DERI
Rob Kitchin - NUI Maynooth
Teresa Dillon - National Digital Research Centre
Deirdre NiRaghaillaigh - Dublin City Council
Liam Cronin - Microsoft
Ivan O'Dwyer - IBM
Donagh Buckley - EMC
Gerry Murray - EMC
Stephen Hughes - Enterprise Ireland
Deirdre O'Neill - Enterprise Ireland
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