[open-government] Capacity Building Workshop on the Next Stage in Open Government Data: Using Data for Transparency, Accountability and Collaboration

Michelle Alves de Lima alvesdelima at un.org
Fri Sep 7 19:29:12 UTC 2012

Dear All,

The Division for Public Administration and Development Management of the 
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs is organizing a 
Capacity Building Workshop on Open Government Data in Cape Town, South 
Africa, from 10 to 12 October 2012. Our aim is to enlighten government 
officials - especially the ones from the Southern African Development 
Community (SADC) countries - on Open Government Data. More information 
about the meeting can be found here: http://unpan.org/sa2012 

We are looking for experts interested in contributing with presentations 
and sharing experiences. Due to budgetary constraints, participants should 
travel at their own expense. However, this will be a great opportunity to 
be in contact with many government officials who are eager to learn more 
about Open Government Data. 

For further information, please send me an email at alvesdelima at un.org. 
Please RSVP by September 14th, 2012.

Thank you! 


Ms. Michelle Alves de Lima 
Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) 
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) 
Tel. (+1) 212 963-3224 | Fax. (+1) 212 963-9681 
Email: alvesdelima at un.org
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