[open-government] Transparency accountability and participation in development and management of PPPs

Maya Forstater hiyamaya at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 10:53:07 UTC 2013

Dear all,

Does anyone know of/is anyone working on examples of transparency and
accountability  in relation to Public Private Partnerships/ PFIs  (e.g. for
infrastructure, transport, schools, hospitals etc..).

This goes beyond open contracts at the contracting stage of the PPPs, but
how they are governed over their lifetime, for cost effectiveness and
responsiveness to users - are there any good examples?



Maya Forstater
Phone:   +44 (0)1727 833 200
Mobile:   +44 (0) 7966676465
Skype:   Maya Forstater
Web:      www.hiyamaya.wordpress.com
Twitter:   MForstater
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