[open-government] Fwd: Invitation to join an OGP Working Group

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Sep 11 16:04:25 UTC 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Linda Frey <linda.frey at opengovpartnership.org>
Date: 7 September 2013 22:06
Subject: Invitation to join an OGP Working Group
To: Linda Frey <linda.frey at opengovpartnership.org>

Dear civil society colleagues,

 We are excited to share with you a new opportunity for deepening
engagement and learning across the growing OGP partnership.  Recognizing
that good ideas on open government come from everywhere, OGP is piloting
several thematic working groups to support the creation and implementation
of more ambitious open government commitments as part of OGP national
action plans.

 We will use this pilot phase to refine our approach and potentially add
more groups based on lessons learned from this initial experience.  We
recognize that a pilot like this will raise many questions and so have
outlined the basic concept below:

Which working groups are being piloted?

Given the limited capacity of the Support Unit, we have been opportunistic
in selecting thematic areas where there were individual organizations and
governments willing to take the lead. We also tried to balance topics for
which there is high demand with the desire to tackle some new frontiers in
open government.

In 2013 we are piloting five thematic working groups, each co-led by at
least one civil society organization and at least one OGP government:

1. Fiscal Openness – Led by the Global Initiative on Fiscal Transparency
(GIFT) and the Governments of Brazil and Philippines.

2. Open Data - Led by the Global Open Data Initiative (GODI) and the
Government of Canada.

3. Legislative Openness - Led by the National Democratic Institute (NDI)
and the Government of Chile.

4. Access to Information - Led by the Government of Mexico through the
Federal  Institute for

Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI) and the Alianza Regional
Por La Libre Expresión e Información (Regional Alliance for Freedom of
Expression and Information).

5. Extractives - Led by Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and the Government of

What will the groups do?

The working groups will provide practical ways for participants to share
experiences, expertise, and lessons learned, as well as identify
opportunities for targeted technical assistance and peer exchange. Each
group will convene an initial in-person meeting at the OGP Annual Summit in
London in October. At these open meetings, each working group will seek
consensus on priority areas of engagement. Thereafter, participants are
expected to actively collaborate through in-person and virtual sessions.

Who can participate?

Participation is open to OGP governments interested in pursuing commitments
in the the particular thematic area, along with civil society experts in
each thematic area.  We are aiming for balanced participation between civil
society and governments.

 How can I participate?

If you have expertise in one of the five thematic areas and are interested
in joining a working group, please submit the following form to confirm
your interest:


Once you submit the form, the group’s civil society lead will get in touch
to confirm your participation and inform you of next steps.


We look forward to working with you!

 Best wishes,

Linda Frey

*Linda Frey*
Executive Directo*r*
*Open Government* *Partnership* *Support Unit*
linda.frey at opengovpartnership.org

*Please note that emails exchanged with the OGP Support Unit may be subject
to the OGP disclosure policy, which is available


Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Ideas  | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*

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