[open-government] [euopendata] Examples of dates of birth being published as part of the public record?

Javier Ruiz javier at openrightsgroup.org
Tue Sep 3 09:04:42 UTC 2013

The Argentinian electoral register online presents a photograph of the voter pulled from the ID card database. It is a new system and not all voters have upgraded their ID cards yet. The website has a captcha and you need some information to search, but people seem to be able to find pictures of celebrities and friends without problems.

The aim of the system is to fight electoral fraud. Besides, voting is compulsory in Argentina, so the registers are used to process fines.

The actual site is not working right now but this article has a screen cap of the president's registration page:



Also from Argentina, while not strictly a public register, the NGO ACIJ has a project for transparency in the selection of magistrates. They publish the content of examinations, including videos in Youtube, and edited CVs.


Javier Ruiz
javier at openrightsgroup.org (mailto:javier at openrightsgroup.org)
+44(0)7877 911 412
www.OpenRightsGroup.org (http://www.OpenRightsGroup.org)
Winners of Liberty's Human Rights Campaigner of the Year Award 2012

On Tuesday, 3 September 2013 at 08:57, Ivan Begtin wrote:

> Hi Jonathan.
> Sure, a lot of personal information being published regularly.  
> A few examples from Russian domestic open data disclosure.
> 1. Disclsoure of assets by officials  
> Russian federal law demands all government bodies to request information about assets from employed officials and to publish it online. As I know most OECD countries have similar requirements and data also published.  
> OECD did research about "private interest" disclosure a few years ago. You may find it here - http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/gov_glance-2011-en/13/08/index.html?contentType=/ns/StatisticalPublication,/ns/Chapter&itemId=/content/chapter/gov_glance-2011-72-en&containerItemId=/content/serial/22214399&accessItemIds=&mimeType=text/html
> Here in Russia most government bodies publish this data using non-machine readably formats like PDF and DOC files. Most open disclosure data using Excel (XLS or XLSX) formats and worst cases include such formats like TIFF, PDF and DOC with scanned images inside and even Flash presentations instead of documents.  
> The data inside is highly personal. It includes:
> - personal revenue during the year
> - size of owned land or household and country of origin
> - car type (actually any owned vehicle)
> And it's infomation about official, his/her spouse and children.  
> A few Russian projects were initiated to process this data and to convert it into the something usable for all good people.  
> So we did project called "Public Profit" (http://publicprofit.ru/) and Transparency Int. Russia did "Declarator" (http://declarator.org/)
> Some of Russian media also processed this data and used it for infograthics, interactive projects and other data journalism activities.  
> 2. Registry of cadastral engineers  
> Russian catastral and cartography agency (Rosreestr) owns registry of cadastral engineers. This is open registry available at https://portal.rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hPd68AD293QwP3QB8DA09nl2DDAEdzA4MAI_1wkA48Kgwg8gY4gKOBvp9Hfm6qfkF2dpqjo6IiAGGp0WM!/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfNEMwSUo5UzM0VjQ2QjBJMVJGNzgwMDIwVDM!/  
> It's available as searchable registry online and open data as CSV.  
> This registry includes:
> - registry number
> - full name of the person
> - birthdata
> - birthplace
> - postal address
> - phone number
> - email
> So it's highly personal data but it's being published as one of anti-corruption and anti-fradulent measures.  
> And many other examples too.  
> Best Regards,
>   Ivan Begtin
> 2013/9/2 Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org (mailto:jonathan.gray at okfn.org)>
> > I was wondering whether anyone might know of any examples of where personal information about living persons - such as dates of birth - have been published as part of the public record by public sector bodies?
> >  
> > For example in relation to interest, lobby or political registries?
> >  
> > While generally personal information needs to be carefully protected, we'd be interested to hear of examples of where there might be broader public interest arguments or exceptions for publishing this kind of data.  
> >  
> > All the best,
> >  
> > Jonathan
> >  
> > --  
> >  
> > Jonathan Gray
> >  
> >  
> > Director of Policy and Ideas  | @jwyg (https://twitter.com/jwyg)
> >  
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> С уважением,
>   Иван Бегтин
> Директор НП "Информационная культура"
> email: ibegtin at infoculture.ru (mailto:ibegtin at infoculture.ru)
> phone: +7 499 500 96 58, +7 910 426 68 83
> website: http://infoculture.ru
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