[open-government] Two announcements

Mor Rubinstein morchickit at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 21:08:54 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I'm glad to see the community buzzing lately around many subjects. Keep the
mails coming!

Two major announcements for this week -

1. I want to replace our call in a monthly newsletter / blog post which
will sum all of the mails exchange / major topics that were discussed in
the list. If any of you want share something on the newsletter - Let me
know! I aim to publish the first one on September 1st, so please send me
stuff before August 29th.

2. I just want to update you all that I joined the Open Data Census team at
the Open Knowledge. This is a part time position as a community coordinator
to get the UK city census up and running and in the near future the global
one. If you have any suggestions to the census community, please send me a
mail to my new shiny okfn address - mor.rubinstein at okfn.org.  :-)

I will keep coordinating this group as a volunteer from this email address.

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