[open-government] Multilingual thesaurus for parliamentary data using SKOS

Andreas Kuckartz a.kuckartz at ping.de
Sun Nov 30 18:59:17 UTC 2014

James McKinney wrote:
> Where is the work-in-progress thesaurus hosted?

I still have to upload that somewhere. There is an older Wiki-page which
is not up-to-date:

> In terms of structure, I think it makes sense to scope the thesaurus to
> possible values for specific RDF terms, e.g.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/#org:classification for “committee”,
> “caucus”, “political party”, etc.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/#org:role for “mayor”, “councillor”, etc.
> http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#terms-type for “bill”,
> “motion”, etc.
> Otherwise, the scope is too broad and becomes a game of assigning a name
> to everything.

Yes, absolutely. The rudimentary thesaurus will consist of only a few
dozen terms: a very small number of skos;ConceptSchema's with a very
small number of skos;Concept's each, not more.

> In terms of “chair”, “chairperson”, “chairman”, “chairwoman” - that
> should all be the same term, using skos:prefLabel and skos:altLabel for
> the different forms. A lot of time can likely be lost agreeing on a
> prefLabel, so it may save time to just use altLabel for all terms.

One use case is to automatically display a label. That requires exactly
one skos:prefLabel per term and language. Otherwise the software can not
know which skos:altLabel should be displayed.

Thanks for the links!


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