[open-government] [CivicAccess-discuss] Open Data Standards

Csaba Madarász madarasz.csaba at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 05:36:26 UTC 2015

Hi Tracey,

does the Core Vocabularies and ADMS has any relevance at all in this


Madarász Csaba
madarasz.csaba at gmail.com

2015-04-28 17:56 GMT+02:00 Tracey P. Lauriault <tlauriau at gmail.com>:

> Thank you James.
> I really like the report you all worked on!
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 3:54 PM, James McKinney <james at opennorth.ca>
> wrote:
>> Hi Tracey,
>> I don’t know of any comprehensive list of data standards, mainly because
>> it would be so large that it would no longer be helpful. As Stéphane
>> mentioned, once you get into domain-specific standards, you end up with a
>> lot of competing standards. Also, I’m using “standard” here in the
>> colloquial, loose sense to mean any specification.
>> The best organized source for linked data vocabularies is
>> http://lov.okfn.org/ There are other linked data vocabulary search
>> engines, but LOV is the best in my experience, and it is actively
>> maintained.
>> For other lists of specs, you can look at:
>> - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadata_standards
>> - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_types_of_XML_schemas
>> - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_markup_languages
>> - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_service_specifications
>> So far on this list, it seems that the suggestions in the replies to your
>> original message have been mostly about specs that people find interesting
>> - but not necessarily specs that have much widespread adoption. With the
>> exception of Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX), those listed by Stéphane are
>> from the community surrounding Code for America. The oldest of those is
>> Yelp’s from 2012. Its partnership with Socrata may propel the spec to
>> widespread use:
>> http://www.socrata.com/newsroom-article/socrata-yelp-partner-open-restaurant-data-improve-global-public-health/
>> The non-spec pages with more context (e.g. list of adopters and people
>> involved) for OpenTrails and HouseFacts are:
>> - https://www.codeforamerica.org/specifications/trails/
>> - http://www.codeforamerica.org/our-work/data-formats/housefacts/
>> The HDX spec was restarted after 2013; the earlier version can be seen at
>> http://web.archive.org/web/20140221133907/http://hxl.humanitarianresponse.info/ The
>> new version is still in development.
>> As for the various Data Packages, hopefully Rufus can tell us more about
>> their adoption, and whether they are stable or are still under active
>> development.
>> By the way, Popolo inventories the terms of specs that it researched as
>> prior work (so that it may reuse the best of those specs) at
>> http://www.popoloproject.com/appendices/terms.html As you can see, spec
>> developers have come up with at least a dozen ways to express anything.
>> Your list of specifications/standards looks good to me! I think Budget
>> Data Package (http://fiscal.dataprotocols.org/) should be substituted
>> for the linked OpenSpending spec. My understanding is that Budget Data
>> Package was pursued instead of further development on that earlier spec.
>> Cheers,
>> James
>> On Apr 28, 2015, at 9:05 AM, Tracey P. Lauriault <tlauriau at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Thank you Stephane and Rufus;
>> That was really helpful.
>> Rufus, please forgive my ignorance, but protocols, packages, standards
>> and specifications?
>> I know what specs and standards are but not sure what you mean by
>> protocols and packages?  Also, perhaps naive of me, but my trust in things
>> increases when I see the community involved in things being produced and
>> communities of adopters.  In this list you sent how would a novice like
>> myself be able to judge when looking at the pages? Of course I have trust
>> in the sender, you, but how do I trust the robustness of what you sent, who
>> is community developing this, what is the context, who are the creators,
>> users, implementers?  The site does not have much of that context info.
>> Cheers
>> t
>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Stéphane Guidoin <stephane at opennorth.ca>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hey Tracey,
>>> We (Open north) are continuing our work around open data standards and
>>> some new content should become available before IODC.
>>> Before we get there, if I may add a few comments:
>>> - In our current work, we are mainly focusing on the open data building
>>> blocks: standards and best practices that make open data usable, things
>>> like DCAT but also things like character encoding. In my view this is
>>> really some sort of "meta" open standards because they make open data
>>> available/possible (and unfortunatly many of these basic block are not that
>>> well-known yet)
>>> - Then there are what we can call "generic" standards. Those are
>>> standards that can be integrated in any data. Things like IANA code, ISO
>>> 639, ISO 8601 are usually not that useful alone but are pretty helpful when
>>> you have to put a date (for example) in another dataset.
>>> - After you have domain specific open data standards which are
>>> full-fledge self-sufficient (although they can borrow from others)
>>> standards that allow to represent a very specific information (e.g transit
>>> schedules.) The difficulty with those is that they tend to proliferate.
>>> Also it's not always obvious how a standards is (for) open data.
>>> In any case, to your list I would add:
>>> - Open referral (aka open211) : http://openreferral.org/
>>> - Humanitarian data exchange: http://docs.hdx.rwlabs.org/standards/
>>> - Health score for food inspection : http://www.yelp.ca/healthscores
>>> - House facts for home/salubrity inspections:
>>> https://sites.google.com/site/housefactsdatastandard/home/specification
>>> - Open trails for ... trails:
>>> https://www.codeforamerica.org/specifications/trails/spec.html
>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Tracey P. Lauriault <tlauriau at gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Thanks Rufus!
>>>> Any thoughts on the list I sent? Anything missing?  It is for a
>>>> technical framework doc under discussion at the moment
>>>> I am finding a disconnect in open data communities re-standards that
>>>> support exchange and interoperability beyond the data format or linked
>>>> data.  For example, in that list I sent, everything after *ISO 8601 *is
>>>> what i added.
>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  This document goes for
>>>> discussion and potential signoff tmr!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> t
>>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tracey,
>>>>> That's a great question. I note that the Data Protocols
>>>>> <http://dataprotocols.org/> has a nascent "reference" section and
>>>>> there are plans to extend it:
>>>>> http://dataprotocols.org/reference/
>>>>> New additions are very welcome!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Rufus
>>>>> On 28 April 2015 at 10:59, Tracey P. Lauriault <tlauriau at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Gang;
>>>>>> Is there a place which lists open data standards?
>>>>>> I found the Open North Inventory,
>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxxUHhraTIHhcnNhUU9JRnc1YlU/edit
>>>>>> For example if I wanted to find a page of the most important data,
>>>>>> metadata, and transfer standards in order to make a recommendation, where
>>>>>> would I go fishing?
>>>>>> Here is a working list to date:
>>>>>> *Short Title*
>>>>>> *Title*
>>>>>> *Domain*
>>>>>> *Standardisation Body*
>>>>>> *URL*
>>>>>> *DCAT*
>>>>>> Data Catalog Vocabulary
>>>>>> Metadata
>>>>>> W3C
>>>>>> http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/
>>>>>> *INSPIRE*
>>>>>> Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
>>>>>> Spatial / Environmental
>>>>>> EC
>>>>>> http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/
>>>>>> *DCMI*
>>>>>> Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
>>>>>> Metadata
>>>>>> Dublin Core
>>>>>> http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
>>>>>> *SDMX*
>>>>>> Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange
>>>>>> Statistical
>>>>>> SDMX
>>>>>> http://sdmx.org/
>>>>>> *DataCube*
>>>>>> Data Cube Vocabulary
>>>>>> Statistical
>>>>>> W3C
>>>>>> http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/
>>>>>> *XBRL*
>>>>>> eXtensible Business Reporting Language
>>>>>> Business
>>>>>> XBRL
>>>>>> http://www.xbrl.org/
>>>>>> *IANA*
>>>>>> IANA Media Types
>>>>>> Media/File Types
>>>>>> Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
>>>>>> http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
>>>>>> *ISO 639*
>>>>>> Language codes
>>>>>> Language
>>>>>> ISO
>>>>>> http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm
>>>>>> *ISO 8601*
>>>>>> Date and time format
>>>>>> Date/Time
>>>>>> ISO
>>>>>> http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/iso8601.htm
>>>>>> *WMS*
>>>>>> Map Service Interface Standard
>>>>>> HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from one or
>>>>>> more distributed geospatial databases.
>>>>>> OGC
>>>>>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms
>>>>>> *WFS*
>>>>>> Web Feature Service
>>>>>> allows a client to retrieve and update geospatial data encoded in GML
>>>>>> from multiple WFS
>>>>>> OGC
>>>>>> http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs
>>>>>> *Gazetteer Service *
>>>>>> Application Profile of the Web Feature Service Best Practice
>>>>>> OGC
>>>>>> https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=46964
>>>>>> *Open511*
>>>>>> standard for road event information
>>>>>> Open511.org
>>>>>> http://open511.org/
>>>>>> *IATI*
>>>>>> International Aid Transparency Initiative
>>>>>> framework for publishing information on development cooperation
>>>>>> activities in a timely, comprehensive and forward-looking manner.
>>>>>> IATI
>>>>>> http://iatistandard.org/
>>>>>> *OpenSpending*
>>>>>> Public spending data standard
>>>>>> International standard for transaction-level spending data.
>>>>>> Open Spending
>>>>>> http://community.openspending.org/research/standard/technical/
>>>>>> *GTFS-Realtime*
>>>>>> General Transit Feed Specification
>>>>>> Feed specification that allows public transportation agencies to
>>>>>> provide realtime updates about their fleet
>>>>>> Google
>>>>>> https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/
>>>>>> *GTFS*
>>>>>> General Transit Feed Specification
>>>>>> common format for public transportation schedules and associated
>>>>>> geographic information
>>>>>> Google
>>>>>> https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/
>>>>>> *Open Contracting*
>>>>>> formalize how contracting data and documents can be published in an
>>>>>> accessible, structured and repeatable way
>>>>>> Open Contracting
>>>>>> http://ocds.open-contracting.org/standard/r/1__0__RC/en/standard/intro/
>>>>>> *Popolo*
>>>>>> International open government data specifications
>>>>>> specifications relating to the legislative branch
>>>>>> Open North
>>>>>> http://www.popoloproject.com/
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> t
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Tracey P. Lauriault
>>>>>> http://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/progcity/contributors/tracey-p-lauriault/
>>>>>> https://gcrc.carleton.ca/confluence/display/GCRCWEB/Lauriault
>>>>>> http://datalibre.ca/
>>>>>> @TraceyLauriault
>>>>>> *Skype:* Tracey.P.Lauriault
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>>>>>> open-government at lists.okfn.org
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>>>>> --
>>>>> *Rufus PollockFounder and President | skype: rufuspollock |
>>>>> @rufuspollock <https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>Open Knowledge
>>>>> <http://okfn.org/> - see how data can change the world**http://okfn.org/
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>>>> --
>>>> Tracey P. Lauriault
>>>> http://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/progcity/contributors/tracey-p-lauriault/
>>>> https://gcrc.carleton.ca/confluence/display/GCRCWEB/Lauriault
>>>> http://datalibre.ca/
>>>> @TraceyLauriault
>>>> *Skype:* Tracey.P.Lauriault
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> open-government mailing list
>>>> open-government at lists.okfn.org
>>>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-government
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>>> --
>>> Stéphane Guidoin
>>> Director of product and service development
>>> Open North
>>> 514-862-0084
>>> http://opennorth.ca
>>> Twitter: @opennorth / @hoedic
>>> *Inscrivez-vous*
>>> <http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/canadian-open-data-summit-2015-sommet-canadien-des-donnees-ouvertes-2015-tickets-15458440612>
>>>  au Sommet Canadien des Données Ouvertes!
>>> * <http://www.opendatasummit.ca/>*
>>> *Register now
>>> <http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/canadian-open-data-summit-2015-sommet-canadien-des-donnees-ouvertes-2015-tickets-15458440612> *for
>>> the Canadian Open Data Summit!
>> --
>> Tracey P. Lauriault
>> http://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/progcity/contributors/tracey-p-lauriault/
>> https://gcrc.carleton.ca/confluence/display/GCRCWEB/Lauriault
>> http://datalibre.ca/
>> @TraceyLauriault
>> *Skype:* Tracey.P.Lauriault
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> --
> Tracey P. Lauriault
> http://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/progcity/contributors/tracey-p-lauriault/
> https://gcrc.carleton.ca/confluence/display/GCRCWEB/Lauriault
> http://datalibre.ca/
> @TraceyLauriault
> *Skype:* Tracey.P.Lauriault
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> open-government mailing list
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