[open-government] TransparencyCamp Europe comes to Amsterdam
Arjan El Fassed
arjan at openstate.eu
Mon Jan 18 15:55:47 UTC 2016
Dear all,
We are very pleased to inform you about one of the most promising events of the year: TransparencyCamp Europe! https://transparencycamp.eu <https://transparencycamp.eu/>
Today, Open State Foundation together with the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union, launch a series of events: an online European-wide open data app competition, hackathons in a number of European capitals and TransparencyCamp Europe, an unconference for open government which will take place on 1 June 2016 in Amsterdam.
The first TransparencyCamp Europe
We are very proud to announce that we will be hosting Europe's first transparency camp: an “unconference” for open government. TransparencyCamp Europe is run by its participants and brings together programmers, developers, policymakers, journalists and activists from all over Europe to discuss, mingle and talk shop about transparency issues and how to mine European government data in clever ways. This special event will take place on 1 June 2016 in Amsterdam, near the area where all official EU presidency meetings are held.
App Competition for more accessible data starts today
In the run up to TransparencyCamp Europe, an online app competition is being launched today to make EU decision-making more accessible to Europeans. As greater amounts of machine-readable government data becomes available, government information needs to become more usable and understandable. Developers are the key to this transformation, as they can create creative apps that allow the public to benefit from all the available governmental data. Everybody can submit their app via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zoxkD6FrG4HR7rV1HsORA0daY4LCbaGaWcU4thbLn9g/viewform?c=0&w=1 <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zoxkD6FrG4HR7rV1HsORA0daY4LCbaGaWcU4thbLn9g/viewform?c=0&w=1>
A more accessible Europe
For us, the coming months will be all about creating a more transparant Europe. We are looking forward to working with many different European developers, open data communties, policymakers, journalists and activists and hope to create great apps and new policies along the way. If you want to be updated regularly on TransparencyCamp and the App Competition ,you can subscribe to our newsletter via https://transparencycamp.eu/ <https://transparencycamp.eu/>.
All the best from the team of Open State Foundation
http://openstate.eu <http://openstate.eu/>
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