[open-government] cfp Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government CeDEM 2017 (deadline December 12, 2016)
Dimitris Gouscos
gouscos at media.uoa.gr
Fri Sep 23 17:33:02 UTC 2016
/* apologies for cross-postings */
Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government CeDEM 2017
17-19 May 2017, Danube University Krems, Austria
Call for Papers
Submission deadline for all papers, workshop proposals,
12 December 2016
The international Conference for e-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM)
brings together e-democracy, e-participation and open government
specialists working in academia, politics, government and business to
critically analyse the innovations, issues, ideas and challenges in the
networked societies of the digital age.
We invite individuals from academic and applied backgrounds as well as
business, public authorities, NGOs, NPOs and education institutions to
submit their papers, reflections as well as workshop proposals to the
topics addressed in the tracks. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches
to the conference topics/tracks:
• Research papers/Case studies/Project papers: 12 pages maximum
(double-blind peer-reviewed);
• Reflections: 6 pages maximum (selected by the chairs);
• Workshops: 4 pages maximum (selected by the chairs);
• PhD Colloquium papers: 3 pages maximum (excluding literature list;
selected by the colloquium track directors);
Full papers submitted are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process, and
published in IEEE Proceedings. Workshop proposals, PhD colloquium papers
and Reflections selected by the chairs are published in the Edition
Donau-UniversitätKrems Proceedings.
The CeDEM offers a PhD Colloquium in cooperation with the Danube
University Krems’ Platform for Political Communication and netPOL
(www.netpol.at). The PhD Colloquium provides PhD students the
opportunity to present their work and gain feedback from experts as well
as meet other PhD students. Students from any stage of their PhD are
invited to submit their work and apply for the CeDEM PhD Bursary.The
CeDEM also provides an Open Space, where participants can submit
proposals, then democratically choose and organise their own
presentations, workshops, birds of a feather, events, meetings
etc..Since 2014, the CeDEM conference presents the author/s of the best
paper with the “CeDEM Best Paper Award”. Papers are nominated for this
award by the reviewers during the peer-review process; the best paper is
then selected by the CeDEM’s track directors.Authors of the best
peer-reviewed papers will be asked to re-submit their revised and
extended papers for the autumn issue of the Centre for E-Governance’s
Open Access eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (www.jedem.org).
Important Dates
• Submission deadline for all papers, workshop proposals,
reflections: 12 December 2016
• Notification of acceptance: 13 February 2017
• Camera-ready paper submission and author registration: 6 March 2017
• Conference: 17-19 May 2017
Conference Chairs
NoellaEdelmann & Peter Parycek (Danube University Krems, AT)
noella.edelmann at donau-uni.ac.at
peter.parycek at donau-uni.ac.at
CeDEM17 Tracks
Track: E-Democracy and E-Participation
Chairs: Fiorella De Cindio (University of Milan, IT), Mauri Kaipainen
(Södertörn University, SE), AlonPeled (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL)
The explosion of social media is fuelling new and unanticipated
directions in e-democracy and e-participation - from increased pressure
for direct democracy, new ideas to engage citizens in service and/or
policy co-design, co-delivery and co-evaluation. This session will
explore the latest trends and ongoing challenges facing this evolving
field, trying to outline the emerging traits of a new model of inclusive
e-participation for local/territorial and global/virtual communities. We
welcome papers presenting case studies and papers with a more
theoretical focus, but encourage in particular authors to combine them
for challenges, analyses and elaborations on further developments.
Typical issues might be, but are not limited to:
• Sustainability of e-participation and citizen engagement; best
practices and key factors for success; motivational factors and the
impact of participation;
• Participatory and communication platforms; ICT for e-participation;
mobile media and new forms of participation; applications for citizens;
• New kinds of interactions between citizens and other societal
stakeholders, citizens and government interaction, business and
government interaction; different perspectives held by citizens,
government, NGOs, NPOs, practitioners, service providers;
• Citizen inclusion and digital divide: gender, age, education, etc.;
• New approaches to direct democracy, new forms of democracy enhanced
by ICT and the impact of new technologies, in particular block chains,
to the development of e-participation;
• Inclusive e-governance in the context of Regional Smart Specialisation;
• Living Labs and Social Innovation;
• E-participation and cooperation for development;
• Business and e-participation;
• Critical perspectives: wrongdoings, bad and worst experiences, hype
but not reality, fringe groups;
Track:Social Media, Public Administration and Citizen Engagement
Chairs: Marko Skoric (Nanyang Technological University, SG), Morten
Meyerhoff Nielsen (Tallinn University of Technology, EE), Natalie Pang
(Nanyang Technological University, SG)
Social media integrate Web 2.0 technologies, user-generated content
creation, and social interactions in the domains of public
administration and citizen engagement. It encourages innovations within
governments towards organizational benefits (such as reducing
transaction costs, efficient dissemination, cooperative and
cross-organizational work etc.) and also fosters citizens' engagement
with their governments. Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Social media and social networks in public administration and
government: practical experiences, theoretical approaches, legal
frameworks: country reports;
• Information provision, new services, service delivery, and service
• Social media platforms and applications to foster the interaction
between public administration and citizens: e-consultation,
participatory budgeting, participatory city planning, online petitions;
• Inclusion, accessibility, legal obstacles, dos and don'ts,
transparency and control: exploring the opportunities, risks and
challenges of socialmedia platforms and applications in the public
• Types of citizens' social media use (informational,
expressive,relational, entertainment, identity-building, etc.) and
theirparticipatory outcomes/consequences;
• Unintended consequences of social media uses and other
emergingbehaviours such as polarisation, exposure to disagreement, echo
chambers,and unfriending/unfollowing;
• Social media use by political parties and citizen mobilisation
duringthe elections;
• Government surveillance of social media; surveillance as
Track: Open Collaborative Government
Chairs: MuneoKaigo (University of Tsukuba, JP), Sylvia Archmann
(Austrian Chancellery, AT)
Collaboration across organizational boundaries can significantly
increase the quality, the efficacy, and also the efficiency of
government. However, it also faces many hindrances. In some situations
the organizational reality reads "My agency is my castle". Particular
objections exist against collaboration across different levels of
government, and even more against collaboration between government and
civil society or between government and industry. We are interested in
research papers, which study the problems, present case studies, design
innovation solutions, identify success and failure factors, or provide
overviews of existing research results. Papers should highlight the role
of information and communication technology, but they should equally
discuss political, organizational, and/or cultural aspects. Topics
ofinterestsinclude, but are not limited to:
• Innovative collaboration platforms and tools;
• The use of social media, collaboration, or decision making tools;
• The role of interoperability as an enabler of collaboration, e.g.
EIF and CEF infrastructure support collaboration;
• The implementation of cross-organizational collaboration or
decision making processes;
• Informal or formal collaboration between government and civil
society, PPPs (private-public-partnerships), shared funding, etc.;
• Evaluation methods for collaboration initiatives;
• Success or failure criteria, empirical observations of success;
• Semantic, legal, organisational, contextual or other hindrances for
Track: Open Data, Transparency and Open Innovation
Chairs: Anneke Zuiderwijk (TU Delft, NL), Johann Höchtl (Danube
University Krems, AT),Ramon Gil-Garcia (University at Albany, US)
Open data can provide a platform for many forms of democratic
engagement: from enabling citizen scrutiny of governments, to supporting
co-production of public data and services, or the emergence of
innovative solutions to shared problems. This track explores the
opportunities and challenges to open data production, quality assurance,
supply and use across different levels of governance. Key themes include:
• Open data policy and politics: opportunities and challenges for
governments; the global spread of open data policy; transparency and
accountability, economic innovation, drivers for open data; benefits and
challenges for developing countries;
• Licensing and legal issues: copyright vs. open licenses & Creative
Commons; Freedom of Information and the ‘right to data’; information
sharing and privacy;
• Open data technologies: technical frameworks for data and
meta-data; mash-ups; data formats, standards and APIs; integration into
backend systems; data visualisation; data quality; data end-users and
• Open data as a valuable resource towards the European data market:
Open Data and Public Sector Information as a source for Business
Intelligence; Open Data, closed data and data market intermediaries; New
market models, roles and responsibilities;
• Open data as a social movement: How can the global trend towards
open data be conceptualized as a form of collective action? How do
challengers and incumbents organize and change? How is the data branch
embedded in the field of open movements?
• Open innovation and co-production: open data enabled models of
public service provision; government as a platform; making open data
innovation sustainable; data and democracy; connecting open data and
crowdsourcing; data and information literacy;
• Evidence and impacts: costs and benefits of providing or using open
data; emerging good practices; methods for open data research; empirical
data measuring open data impacts, public value generation and open data.
Track: Citizens’ Participation in Democratic Governance Processes
through ICT in Africa
Chairs: Johnstone Baguma – Kumaraki (Toro Development Network, UG),
WakabiWairagala (CIPESA, UG), Wilfred Warioba (Commission for Human
Rights and Good Governance, TZ)
InformationCommunication Technologies (ICT) offer concrete opportunities
for local and national governments to improve their performance in terms
of transparency, participation and decentralization (Guchteneire and
Mlikota, 2008). Many other scholars globally, have echoed related
statements previously. However, the greatest challenge is that many are
anecdotal and coming across empirical case studies to support such
conclusions becomes difficult. For instance, this track will present
evidence-based experiences of ICT-enabled, citizen-led democratic
engagements for good governance in the Eastern and Southern African
regions. The track will provide more normative than positive knowledge
to practitioners, public sector, service providers and academic
researchers. With comparison to other initiatives in Africa and the
developing world, submissions should focus, for example, on:
• How simple, affordable, and cost effective ICT tools are used to
activate and facilitate local citizens’ participation in governance issues;
• Electronic virtual platforms for citizens’ participation and
• Model discussions of how local citizens’-led advocacy forums,
Voluntary Social Accountability Committees (VSACs), human rights
networks and other initiatives in the region are using these platforms;
• Initiatives that use the ICT tools convergence approach, that
combine online social, broadcast media and mobile technology to mobilize
local citizens for offline physical meetings, to democratically engage
local and central government leaders;
• Improving accountability for essential service delivery at the
grassroot level;
Track: Open Access
Chairs: Antonio Vetró(NexaCenter for Internet & Society, IT), Lorenzo
Canova (NexaCenter for Internet & Society, IT)
Open Access (OA) is a concept that applies to both scientific
publications and other related entities, including scientific data,
thatare freely accessible and reusable. The Berlin Declaration, one of
the milestones of the Open Access movement, states that OA contributions
must satisfy two conditions: that “a free, irrevocable, worldwide, right
of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and
display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works”
is granted by the author(s) and rights holder(s) of such contributions
and that a “complete version of the work and all supplemental materials”
in a “standard electronic format” is available online, to ensure
“unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term
archiving”.While we welcome any innovative contribution concerning OA,
the focus of the track is on emerging models grounded on cooperation,
defragmentation of resources, knowledge sharing and non-rivalrous reuse
of significant amounts of content, with the aim of paving the path
toward a “networked science”. In particular, we encourage the submission
of papers on:
• Robust methodologies and empirical analysis that are able to
provide evidence about the benefits of OA;
• Proposals concerning the use of OA repositories for innovative
purposes, such as new forms of research assessment and evaluation;
• Open scientific data, i.e., scientific data whose usage is
unrestricted, or placed under permissive terms that guarantee the free
access and reuse of data.
Track: Communities, Participation and Civic Engagement
Chairs:JakobSvensson (Uppsala University, SE), Judith Schossböck (Danube
University Krems, AT), Peter Mambrey (Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE)
Civic engagement in communities or in single-issue formations relies on
the utilisation of ICT and the internet (in combination with traditional
and offline methods) to mobilise, to coordinate activities and to
organise discourse. This track welcomes papers that studies how
so-called „new“ media facilitates, constrains, affords and influences
such civic engagement and participation. We are interested in issues
such as the logic of connective and collective action, aspects of peer
production and a focus on communities, participation and citizens in
different fields: from science (citizen science) to politics (bottom-up
movements and activism). We welcome theoretical as well as empirical
papers and are open to different types of methodological approaches
including qualitative and innovate solutions to data-gathering. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
• The formation of communities and (collective) identities;
• Bottom-up movements, grassroots activities and the counter-public
• New media activism, hacktivism and modern forms of civic online
• The study of social and cultural capital in new media or social media;
• The study of power and (in)equality within bottom up movements as
well as in relation to society at large;
• The effects of new media usage on identities and behaviour of
online groups and communities;
• The logic and nature of civic online engagement and NGOs/NPOs in a
network society;
• Online spaces for self-organisation and the negotiation of
(collective) identities;
• User generated content, peer production and crowd-sourcing
(including online research communities);
• Citizen and group driven innovation (including citizen science and
open innovation);
• The methodology for the study of online communities (nethnography).
Track: Information Visualization for the People
Chairs: Michael Smuc (Danube University Krems, AT), Florian Windhager
(Danube University Krems, AT)
From its early days to its current mass application as statistical
charts or interactive infographics, information visualization has been
striving for academic elaboration and the broadening of its target
audiences. With specific regard to both of these aspects, the track is
looking for contributions where information visualization meets
political data and content in the public communication domain.
Submissions may focus on case studies, evaluations, as well as
conceptual or theoretical contributions on:
• Translational work between academic and application oriented
communities of practice;
• Optimization of representations to provide insights into complex
subject matters;
• Non-expert audiences, casual infovis contexts and strategies for
visual literacy development;
• Transparency and critical reflection of design choices for visual
• Developments in the emerging field of data journalism or other
public communication domains;
Track: Connected Smart City
Chairs: Carlos E. Jiménez Gómez (IEEE Computer Society e-Gov
STC&estratic, US), Francisco Falcone (UPNA/IEEE STC e-GOV, ES),
GabrielaViale Pereira (Danube University Krems, AT), Jörn von Lucke
(Zeppelin University, DE), Norbert Kersting (University of Münster, DE)
This track provides a platform for the various living labs, initiatives
and projects that work on or with concepts of "Smart Cities". It aims at
sharing experiences as well as test results and to further investigate
relations of innovative technologies and democratic societies.
Government & Governance, Citizenship & Cities as well as Information &
Knowledge Society are key elements of a new view of the world as a
“system” in which the aim should be to achieve the highest degree of
governance within a city, where benefits are maximized and disadvantages
are minimized. Contributions are especially appreciated on the following
• Becoming a smart city: Best practices, failures & practical challenges;
• Successful technologies for encouraging citizen participation;
• Successful technologies for integrating all dimensions of human,
collective, and artificial intelligence within the city;
• Smartness vs. Openness? Open data & Big data, Usability
&Accessability, the internet of things and co-production;
• Do smart cities need smart people? Relations of innovative
technologies, democratic societies & concepts of "Smartness";
• The 4 incremental stages where ICT transform the public
organizations and produce better services to the citizens:
e-Administration, e-Government, Open Government and Smart Government;
• The social implications of technology, social cities, the best
options for citizens, avoiding the negative impacts of technology;
• The Interoperability Principle as a part of the Open Government
concept and linking this concept with the Smart Cities view;
Track: E-Voting
Chairs: Robert Krimmer (Tallinn University of Technology, EE), Jesus
Cano (IEEE eGovernment Co-chair, UNED, USPCEU, EU)
Exploring a holistic approach to e-voting. Specifically, we aim to
explore e-voting issues, gather perspectives and present practical
solutions. Discussion of emerging technologies and their application to
e-voting (kiosk and remote), often following outside-of-the-box thinking
are particularly welcome:
• Discussion of all forms of electronic voting: including, but not
limited to, polling station, kiosk or remote voting by electronic means;
• Interdisciplinary issues (e.g. technology, law, politics and
society) in the design and implementation of e-voting;
• Presenting new ways of solving the voting paradigm: the unequivocal
identification of the voter and the full anonymity of the vote;
• Implementations, their legal, organisational and technical
framework, project experiences;
• Analysis of the interrelationship between the effects of e-voting
on democratic institutions, processes and voter behaviour;
• Conducting social and political analysis on the effects of
electronic voting;
• Practical experiences in implementing and conducting elections with
electronic voting parts;
• Discussion of security requirements and testing in accordance to
international security standards i.e. Common Criteria or ITSEC;
• Evaluation of e-voting: the effects and how to evaluate experiments;
• Verifiability of e-voting: individual and/or universal approaches
to verification of e-voting;
• Usability of e-voting: user interface evaluation and criteria for
usability scales;
• Future trends;
Track: Political Communication & Public Spheres in a Digital Age
Chairs: Christina Hainzl (Danube University, AT), Jonas Kaiser (Berkman
Klein Center for Internet & Society at Hardvard University, US),
Francisco Seoane Perez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, ESP),
Cornelius Puschmann (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet &
Society and Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research at the University
of Hamburg, DE), Markus Rhomberg (Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, DE)
Digital communication is affecting all areas of political communication
on a macro-, meso- and micro-level. Studying current phenomena like the
UK referendum to leave the European Union, the campaign of Donald Trump,
or other populist attempts to use migration, terrorism or security issue
are challenging not only political actions, but also researchers. It is
paramount to critically (re-)assess traditional models of democracy, the
(transnational) public sphere, to analyse and compare the changing
structure of the media environment and its impacts on discourse,
participation, the effects of digital media on its users in a political
context, as well as communication strategies of political organizations.
We invite empirical and/or theoretical contributions, as well as case
studies on the changing nature of the relationship between citizens, the
public, political actors and the media in a digital environment.Typical
issues might include, but are not limited to:
• The implications of a (transnational) networked public sphere on
the quality of modern democracy, discourses and political decision making;
• Policy debates in a digital environment;
• The role of experts in digital policy debates;
• New agents and actors in the digital sphere;
• Discourse structures, strategic framing, and issue careers;
• Interactions and interdependencies between digital and traditional
• New journalistic practices in a digital age;
• Propaganda and deception in online discourse;
• Diffusion of political communication online;
• Critical assessments and reflections on a networked public sphere;
• The role of counter-publics and populist political actors;
• Effects of digital communication on user perceptions, attitudes,
and political orientation;
• Digital communication strategies and news management of political
organizations in national and supranational contexts (e.g. government
communication, strategies of international organizations, populist
political communication).
Track: Identity, Privacy, and Security
Chairs: ReinhardRiedl (Bern University of Applied Sciences, CH), Bettina
Rinnerbauer(Danube University Krems, AT)
We are looking for papers dealing with:
The design, modeling, standardization, and use of electronic identities
and trust services and/or the development of the eID ecosystem as a
whole – focusing on issues such as:
• Take-up by users and relying parties;
• eIDAS and cross-border usage;
• Use of eIDs in e-participation;
Critical privacy issues such as
• Correlation of data across different domains;
• Identity misuse, violation of privacy, or abuse of personal data;
• Measures to ensure and protect privacy rights;
• Fundamental discussions of government obligations and roles;
Cybersecurity in a democratic society such as
• The needs for government actions;
• The collaboration of actors from different sectors of society;
• Specific threats in the context of e-democracy;
Challenges of policy making related to identity, privacy, and security
such as
• Use of blockchain technology and other disruptive technologies;
• Non-government solutions created by civil society;
Aspects of trust related to identity, privacy, and security, such as
• Cultural, social, and contextual differences;
• The role of institutions.
Track: Emerging Issues in E-Democracy and Open Government
Chairs: MartijnHartog (The Hague University of Applied Sciences,
NL),Bert Mulder (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, NL), Josef
Hörmandinger (SalzburgerLandtag, AT), Yuri Misnikov (St. Petersburg
State University, RU)
The interdisciplinary track ‘Emerging Issues’ aims to broaden and deepen
analysis, strategic foresight and development, future studies,
innovations and quality assessments on the broad adoption of E-Democracy
and Open Government in governmental organizations. Submissions should
clarify the benefits, opportunities and challenges of the adoption of
information and communication technologies by (digital) citizens and
(digital) governments. Material and initiatives should reflect on how
governments, suppliers and other stakeholders could create optimal
circumstances to support a participatory society. Applicable topics of
interest are:
• Open Government, Transparency, E-Democracy;
• Open Spending, Open Data, Linked Data, Big Data;
• E-Participation, Co-Creation, Co-Design, Self-Governance, Networks,
Smart Cities; IT Infrastructures and Architectures, Standardizations,
Design Theories, Methods and Frameworks.
Chair: Michael Sachs (Danube University Krems, AT)
Reflections are for ideas, methods, results and outcomes that are in
progress, in the early stages, novel or innovative. They must represent
original work and must not have been published previously. They can, but
must not, address topics addressed in the tracks, or they can represent
interdisciplinary approaches to the conference topics. Reflections are
short papers, and will not be peer-reviewed.
• The submissions should have a maximum of 6 pages and will be
selected by the chairs of the conference;
• Length: 6 pages max.
Chairs: MalgorzataGoraczek(Danube University Krems, AT), Thomas
Lampoltshammer (Danube University Krems, AT)
Workshops should focus on latest scientific research, emerging
technologies and breakthroughs in policy and programme. The workshop
content should be current, supported by research and consistent with
best practices. They should promote and enhance opportunities for
knowledge transfer, skills development and collaborative learning.
Workshop proposals need to communicate a clear sense of the workshop:
the goals, objectives, and how to transfer knowledge or the skills to
the participants. They must target smaller audiences and focus on
audience participation and interaction. Formats can be discussion or
small group work, case-studies, demonstrations, role play, small group
activities, problem-based learning. Whilst workshops can include 2-4
discussion leaders, the workshop should not represent a collection of
presentations with a short question&answer session at the end.
• Workshops last 90 minutes;
• Submissions are selected by the chairs of the conference;
• Length: 4 pages max.
PhD Colloquium
Chairs: Anneke Zuiderwijk (TU Delft, NL), Christina Hainzl (Danube
University Krems, AT), Peter Parycek (Danube University Krems, AT)
The CeDEM offers a PhD Colloquium in cooperation with the Danube
University Krems’ Platform for Political Communication and netPOL
(www.netpol.at). The PhD Colloquium provides PhD students the
opportunity to present their work and gain feedback from experts as well
as meet other PhD students. Students from any stage of their PhD are
invited to submit their work in relation to any of the conference
topics. The PhD paper should try to address: aim of the PhD, theory
and/or models, hypotheses, results, analysis of data, the PhD’s
contribution to the body of knowledge.
• PhD students can apply for a bursary: http://tinyurl.com/cedem17phd
• Length: 7 pages max.
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