[open-humanities] OA Journal aggregation: further thoughts

Stuart A. Yeates syeates at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 20:10:11 UTC 2011

Sounds like an ideal usage for a profile of RSS.


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 3:16 AM, John Levin <john at anterotesis.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm writing to see if what interest and support there is for developing some
> sort of OA humanities journal aggregation system, as I sketched in my email
> earlier this month:
> http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-humanities/2011-August/000111.html
> As listed on the okf ideas incubator:
> http://ideas.okfn.org/ideas/198/website-for-finding-and-searching-oa-humanities-journals
> The basic problem is that there are many open access journals, and so also
> many websites. There isn't a single interface for searching them. One must
> also be aware of each individual journal, a mind-stretching task given how
> many there are.
> (The DOAJ lists nearly 7,000 at the time of writing: http://www.doaj.org/ )
> To solve this, I propose some sort of aggregation website, that lists and
> makes searchable not just the journals' details, as DOAJ does, but also
> their contents. It won't actually publish articles, but make pre-existing
> materials discoverable through indexing.
> (My particular interest is in OA *humanities*, esp. history journals. There
> seem to be a lot of these around. But there's no reason why something
> similar shouldn't be built for OA science journals, if that's neccessary.)
> So, some questions:
> 1: Does anyone know of any similar sort of project (in any field)? Something
> that can be used as an example, perhaps that has built or repurposed some
> software?
> 2: Can OKFN offer support in any way - perhaps server space?
> 3: Is this just some sort of glorified search engine?
> 4: Is anyone out there interested and prepared (however tentatively) to work
> on it?
> 5: What next?
> Best,
> john
> --
> John Levin
> http://www.anterotesis.com
> johnlevin at joindiaspora.com
> http://twitter.com/anterotesis
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