[open-humanities] Open Correspondence Re: open-humanities Digest, Vol 10, Issue 8

Ulrich Herb u.herb at scinoptica.com
Thu May 26 12:43:37 UTC 2011

Dear all,

  this was a really interesting news to me:

> Afternoon,
> As part of the Book Hackday the weekend before last, I started on some
> work to explore some of Jonathan Gray's questions about mapping
> intellectual influence. I'm not sure I got as far as I wanted but the
> following blog post outlines what I managed to tinker with which I'm
> trying to get into the core as an API.
> http://notebook.okfn.org/2011/05/25/mining-the-personal-using-open-correspondence-to-explore-correspondents/

Do you think one day Open Correspondence could be able to analyze todays 
informal scientific communication (twitter, blogs, etc.) that takes 
place outside conference proceedings or scientific journals?

I wrote a short comment on this in my blog (sorry, german language): 

best regards

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