[open-humanities] Locating London's Past

John Levin john at anterotesis.com
Thu Nov 10 13:00:05 UTC 2011

On 10/11/2011 12:51, Rob Myers wrote:
> http://locatinglondonspast.wordpress.com/about/
> This looks like a really important geodata project. I'm trying to find
> out how Free^D^DOpen the data is (they're using Google Maps rather than
> OSM, but mention download of data as well as an API). Does anyone know
> anything about it?
> - Rob.

There was a seminar about it last month, which I blogged about here:
I believe the site is going live in around four weeks time.

There was some mention made of open data at the seminar, IIRC, but the 
details escape me.


John Levin
johnlevin at joindiaspora.com

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