[open-humanities] New Introduction: Comedy of Errors

James Harriman-Smith open-shakespeare at okfn.org
Fri Mar 16 13:53:52 UTC 2012

Dear All,

Just a quick email to announce that a new, public domain introduction
to Comedy of Errors, contributed by Ruby Jand has just gone live on
Open Shakespeare:
- http://openshakespeare.org/2012/03/16/introduction-the-comedy-of-errors

Only the following plays left:
- A Lover's Complaint
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- The Passionate Pilgrim
- Pericles
- Rape of Lucrece
- Timon of Athens

Any takers?


P.S. Ruby is the author of Shakespeare Calling:

James Harriman-Smith
Open Literature Working Group Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: james.harriman.smith

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