[open-humanities] Fwd: [globaloutlookDH-l] Open DH Awards 2013

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Dec 3 10:03:36 UTC 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Gil <colibri.alex at gmail.com>
Date: 3 December 2013 01:55
Subject: [globaloutlookDH-l] Open DH Awards 2013
To: A list for participants in the ADHO DH Global Outlook Community <
globaloutlookdh-l at uleth.ca>

(apologies for cross-posting)
The annual open DH Awards 2013 are now accepting nominations!
Please nominate any Digital Humanities resource you feel deserves
to win in any of this year's categories. The open DH Awards 2013
are openly nominated by the community and openly voted for by the
public as a DH awareness activity. There are no financial prizes,
just the honour of having won and an icon for your website.

Nominations will be open until 31 December 2013 (midnight GMT),
voting will take place in January 2014.

Please note that the nominations must be for
projects/resources/sites that were launched/finished/created in

To nominate something for the DH Awards 2013 visit the
nominations page at:

The categories we are accepting nominations for the open Digital
Humanities Awards 2013 are:

*Best DH tool or suite of tools*
Nominations for this category should be for a tool or suite of
tools created by members of the DH community, used for enabling,
encouraging, and/or accomplishing DH work.

*Best DH contribution not in the English language*
Nominations for this category should be for DH resources or
publications that are not in the English language.

*Best use of DH for fun*
Nominations for this category should be for
projects/resources/sites for DH which are designed to be fun or
inherently playful.

*Best DH blog post, article, or short publication*
Nominations for this category should be for a specific short DH
publication (peer-reviewed or not) whether article, blog post, or
other publication.

*Best DH visualization or infographic*
Nominations for this category should be for a graphic,
infographic, or visualization created for or by the DH community.

*Best DH project for public audiences*
Nominations for this category should be for a DH project designed
to be used by audiences primarily outside of higher education,
including educators, students, enthusiasts, genealogists, engaged
citizens, etc.

Again, to nominate something for the DH Awards 2013 visit the
nominations page at:

If you have any questions please see
http://dhawards.org/dhawards2013/faqs2013/ or ask at
james at dhawards.org or tweet @DHawards

globaloutlookdh-l mailing list
globaloutlookdh-l at uleth.ca

You are currently subscribed to this list in NON-digest mode. This means
you receive every message as it is posted.

If this represents too much traffic, you can also subscribe in DIGEST mode.
This sends out a single email once a day containing the entire day's
postings. To change your settings go to
http://listserv.uleth.ca/mailman/options/globaloutlookdh-l You can request
a password reminder from this page if you have forgotten yours.


Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Ideas  | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

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