[open-humanities] Fwd: Announce for Open Literature Sprint
samuel.moore15 at gmail.com
samuel.moore15 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 19:32:40 UTC 2014
Hi James, all,
I'd be happy to do some more promotion. I've already mentioned this in a number of places, including in my Panton Fellow update blog from last week. I'll see if the LSE Impact Blog is willing to tweet about it (I'm sure they will be) and a few other DH places, including my own department at King's.
Sent from my iPhone - please excuse typos and such
> On 20 Jan 2014, at 19:00, James Harriman-Smith <james.harriman-smith at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi Rufus,
> Yes, I've been sending out annoucements, Lieke reposted on OpenGLAM, and the info has gone round twitter at least twice (potentially more without mentions of me).
> At the moment, I'm entering one of my busiest teaching weeks of term (16 students, 10 essays to mark) so can't really do much more.
> @Sam - could you do a bit more publicity?
> See you on Saturday!
> James
>> On 20 January 2014 10:27, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> Just wanted to check you got this email below. Are you coordinating announcements and publicity for this? If not, do you know who is?
>> Rufus
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
>> Date: 9 January 2014 12:09
>> Subject: Re: [open-humanities] Announce for Open Literature Sprint
>> To: A list for people interested in the use of open source tools and open access in humanities teaching and research <open-humanities at lists.okfn.org>
>>> On 6 January 2014 09:57, James Harriman-Smith <james.harriman-smith at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Rufus, list,
>>> I started tweeting about the event over the weekend, and Sam Moore put the announce up on the Humanist mailing list this morning. Here, for anyone else reading this is the raw announcement:
>> Is there a list of email lists / places to contact? My immediate thoughts would be:
>> - University departments in London
>> - digital humanities lists
>> - okfn-en list
>> - okfn-discuss
>> - okfn-labs
>> - ...
>> We could then assign these to people.
>> Also do we have an announce version that is usable (copy and paste) for *mailing* lists.
>> Also would be good to get blog posts up on
>> - Would be good to get a post on labs up
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Calling all those with an interest in bringing the humanities online:
>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation's Open Literature project is one dedicated sprint away from being ready to go online. This open service will offer anyone the opportunity to upload, analyse, present and annotate public-domain texts; it builds on the functionality of the OKF's recent <a href="http://openliterature.net/2013/03/12/o-brave-new-world-the-future-of-open-shakespeare-is-open-literature/">Open Shakespeare</a> and <a href="http://textusproject.org/">Textus</a> Projects to become a tool of use to a great range of scholars in the humanities.
>> This is good but could we make it a bit terser :-) (can we make 1-2 sentences - and can we drop Textus reference etc etc). (Imagine no-one clicks on the links ...)
>>> When: 25th January 2014, 11am – 6pm (if 11am is too early for you it’s OK to join later!)
>>> Where: Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton Street, London, WC1X 9NG
>> Mentions its 5m from Kings Cross (?). Link to a map (google or openstreetmap)
>>> Who: Anyone interested in literature, philosophy and taking these online
>>> Signup: http://www.meetup.com/OpenKnowledgeFoundation/London-GB/1070532/
>>> Mailing list: For updates, please join the Open Humanities mailing list: open-humanities at lists.okfn.org
>>> More details about the day, including an overview of potential activities, are availbale on the Open Humanities Website: http://humanities.okfn.org/open-literature-sprint-jan-2014/
>> People will rarely click on links so I'd inline here a bit more info about what you can do on the day.
>> Rufus
>>> If you have any questions, contact: james.harriman-smith at okfn.org
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> And a link to my tweet: https://twitter.com/jharrimansmith/statuses/419800411625623552
>>> Yours,
>>> James
>>>> On 6 January 2014 09:51, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi James,
>>>> I was just wondering how the drafting of the announce for the sprint was going? I think we want to push this out reasonably soon and having something we can copy and paste to emails and blog posts would be amazing.
>>>> Rufus
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>>> --
>>> James Harriman-Smith
>>> Open Literature Working Group Coordinator
>>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>> http://okfn.org/members/jameshs
>>> Skype: james.harriman.smith
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>>> open-humanities mailing list
>>> open-humanities at lists.okfn.org
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>> --
>> Rufus Pollock
>> Founder and Executive Director | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>> Empowering through Open Knowledge
>> http://okfn.org/ | @okfn | OKF on Facebook | Blog | Newsletter
>> --
>> Rufus Pollock
>> Founder and Executive Director | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>> Empowering through Open Knowledge
>> http://okfn.org/ | @okfn | OKF on Facebook | Blog | Newsletter
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> --
> James Harriman-Smith
> Open Literature Working Group Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org/members/jameshs
> Skype: james.harriman.smith
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