[open-humanities] DM2E event, 18 November, Vienna: Putting Linked Library Data to Work

Lieke Ploeger lieke.ploeger at okfn.org
Tue Nov 11 11:57:14 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Since February 2012 the partners in the DM2E (Digitised Manuscripts to
Europeana) project <http://www.dm2e.eu/> have been working on building the
tools and communities to enable humanities researchers to work with
manuscripts in the Linked Open Web. Before the project closes, in February
2015, we organise a final event on *Thursday 11 December 2014 *to show and
demonstrate the progress that has been achieved as well as to inspire
future research in the area of Linked Open Data.

The day will include a keynote talk by Sally Chambers (DARIAH-EU /
Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities) on future sustainable digital
services for humanities research communities in Europe, presentations and
demonstrations of the final DM2E results from all work packages as well as
talks by the winners of the second round of the Open Humanities Awards on
the results of their projects.

Attendance is free but places are limited: join us to find out more about
the DM2E final results!

   - *Date and time*: Thursday 11 December 2014, 10:00 – 17:00
   - *Location*: Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio – Auditorium Incubatore, Via
   Giuntini 13, 56023  Navacchio (near Pisa), Italy
   - *Programme*: The full programme is available from
   - *Registration*: Attendance is free but places are limited: please sign
   up through Eventbrite
   case you plan to attend

Best regards,

Lieke Ploeger.

Lieke Ploeger

Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

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