[open-humanities] 25,000 early modern texts to be released CC0

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 1 19:08:09 UTC 2015

Yes, or see the email I sent at 6 minutes past midnight with even 
more details.  You can get all the unrestricted ones at 


On 01/01/15 17:16, John Levin wrote:
> EEBO/TCP texts now available, including via Github:
> https://github.com/textcreationpartnership
> John
> On 30/12/2014 23:09, James Cummings wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't want to pre-empt our more official announcement in the
>> next day
>> or so, which I'll make sure to send to this list, but all these
>> texts
>> will be released in a variety of forms.
>> The total number is actually more than 25000 (even in the phase
>> 1 CC0
>> release from 1 Jan 2015). The TEI P5 XML is the modern 'source'
>> that you
>> should use for any future derivative projects: I would strongly
>> recommend not starting from the TCP original SGML. (A lot of
>> work has
>> gone into this conversion to preserve intellectual content and
>> intentions of the original encoders.) In addition to the TEI P5
>> XML, a
>> basic HTML Web version of each text, EPUB version, and a link to
>> ProQuest's EEBO images (but you institution needs to subscribe
>> to that)
>> will be available from the University of Oxford Text Archive. The
>> 'source' link will go to a GitHub repository for each text.
>> There are
>> tools we will provide on github for those wishing to download
>> all of the
>> individual texts.
>> Happy New Year.
>> -James

Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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