[open-humanities] OKFN Labs hangout Thursday / Open Hums status

John Levin john at anterotesis.com
Tue Apr 19 07:50:11 UTC 2016

Hi all,

There is an OKFN labs hangout this coming Thursday. Fromt he announcement:

"The first is our monthly Labs hangout.  We are back on a proper
schedule: the third Thursday of every month.  This means the next one
will be next week Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 17:00 GMT.  If you think
you’ll join, leave a comment on the forum topic:


I will be there, firstly re the eebo texts I uploaded 5 years ago, that 
got lost & I'm replacing; secondly, to see if OKFN is interested in / 
can offer any support for maintaining a package of the new, much larger, 
sets of early modern texts. It's both an open and a humanities project! 
Please raise your hand / send an email if you're interested.

Open Humanities doesn't have a presence on the new OKFN discussion 
forums ( https://discuss.okfn.org/ ). Is this something that people 
want? In all honesty, if open-hums isn't active, and if people don't 
have the time and energy to be involved, such things should not be 



John Levin

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