[Open-Legislation] oeil scraper

stef stefan.marsiske at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 00:41:06 UTC 2011

hey all,

you might like this crawler/scraper:

it scrapes every issue on oeil. currently this is completely independent from
the rest of le-n-x. so you can use it for your own purposes, it's agplv3.

i also have a json dump of all data from tonite, here:
http://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/oeil.json.bz2 (app. 30MB uncompressed)

two output formats/backends are currently supported, mongodb and json.

comming up, rendering the db on the web as (xhtml|atom)+microformats/json


gpg: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/stef.gpg
gpg fp: F617 AC77 6E86 5830 08B8  BB96 E7A4 C6CF A84A 7140

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