[Open-Legislation] [Mempol2] PoliticalMemory 2.0 - Hackathon #1 - Feb. 24th (6PM) to Feb. 26th - IRL & IRC]

stef stefan.marsiske at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 15:41:35 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:00:13PM +0100, JOSEFSSON Erik wrote:
> Here are some political memories of mine :-)
> The first version of MEP tracking I know of was created by Hartmut Pilch (FFII) and was called Knecht. It also had activist annotation and relations functions ("in order to optimize, promote and keep track of their actions"). As far as I know it was written in lisp. It did not work very well, but most pretty straight forward stuff you needed was there.

sounds very exciting. <3 lisp!

> Further, the creation of voting lists and the scripts for ranking of amendments and results was (to my knowledge) first created by Gibus and Jonas (also FFII at the time). There should be stuff around from swpat 1st reading 2003. Here's data retention from 2005:
> http://people.ffii.org/~jmaebe/dataret/plen1/votinglist%20EDRI-FFII-PI%20final.pdf
> Indeed tools are needed to monitor what's going on in the Black Box of Brussels. But as one behind creating "the score" in some of the dossiers internet activists have been working on, I'd say there also needs to be a lot of transparency in who, how and why certain amendments get certain weights when building the over all score.
> Simply put, activist groups using MEP ranking should also spend time on explaining how the ranking was construed. So for the workshop I'd include that as a necessary feature - some kind of platform to facilitate discussion, knowledge exchange and understanding to be able to justify "the score" in a straight forward manner.

i agree, and i hope we can come up with something satisfying ;)

gpg: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/stef.gpg
gpg fp: F617 AC77 6E86 5830 08B8  BB96 E7A4 C6CF A84A 7140

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