[Open-Legislation] [open-government] Germany WhosYourMEP
Walter Keim
wake at online.no
Sat Mar 10 15:35:36 UTC 2012
In Germany you may find your MP by ZIP code and aks your MP questions
I ask about improving transparency:
Walter Keim
Netizen: http://sites.google.com/site/walterkeim/
Who will support transparency in Germany: http://home.broadpark.no/~wkeim/foi-ngo.htm http://home.broadpark.no/~wkeim/files/if-dimr-pbt-en.htm
Den 07.03.2012 00:33, skrev Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou:
> Great ! A lot better than what we have over here...
> I've filled the pad with the mapit's urls correspondign to each EUR region.
> Does the same service exist for Ireland ?
> Anyone from Poland, Belgium or Italy knowing about the situation in
> these countries ?
> Benjamin
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 18:53, Benjamin Sims<benjaminsims at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This information (postcode - electoral district mapping) is available in the
>> UK at:
>> http://mapit.mysociety.org/
>> Our postcodes are pretty granular (one postcode will equal, for example, one
>> block of flats or side of a street) so this should do the trick for you.
>> 2012/3/4 Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou<b.ooghe at gmail.com>
>>> Dear everyone,
>>> Jérémie from the Internet freedoms advocacy group LaQuadrature.net
>>> asked us recently whether it was possible to know precisely from one's
>>> postcode anywhere in the EU who their representatives at the European
>>> parliament is or are.
>>> Having this kind of information could provide a great improval for
>>> advocacy tools such as LaQuadrature's freshly created piPhone :
>>> http://piphone.lqdn.fr/?setlang=en
>>> For example in France, official data lacks quality, but precise postal
>>> codes correlated with elective boundaries could be recreated since the
>>> European boundaries only assemble smaller subdivisions :
>>> http://www.nosdonnees.fr/package/listes-des-communes-par-rgions-dpartements-circonscriptions
>>> But I understand every country has its own elective systems for its
>>> MEPs, sometimes by zone, sometimes not, sometimes proportionnal,
>>> sometimes nominal, sometimes by language spoken. Also postal codes may
>>> not be existing as databases everywhere. Some countries also seem to
>>> have only one geographical zones which makes it a lot simplier :
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament_constituency
>>> So the questions are :
>>> - Do we have people from every EU country on all these mailing-lists ?
>>> - Do we have for all members of the european parliament an
>>> electoral_zone_id that could be used commonly to identify one MEP
>>> through the different european parliament data scrapers (this is a
>>> call to parltrack mepwatch votewatch itsyourparliament and so on! ;) )
>>> - If so, can we provide for each 27 countries a csv with
>>> country;electoral_zone_id;postal_code(or list of postal_codes)
>>> - Anybody interested in opening a simple platform to collect those
>>> and crowdsource the missing info if there is any ?
>>> As a start here's a pad with all EU circonscriptions listed by country
>>> so that we can identify in which countries we already have all the
>>> needed info :
>>> https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/bP9pBHJwJa
>>> Also another approach could be, considering the size of the considered
>>> boundaries, to just use coordinates within a big svg to cocreate that
>>> would assemble all European circonscriptions/districts.
>>> In any case, it sounds like a democratic challenge we could accomplish
>>> altogether :)
>>> Best,
>>> Benjamin for Regards Citoyens
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