[Open-Legislation] European Legislation Identifier (ELI)

Ronny Patz r.patz at gmx.eu
Sun Sep 16 09:09:53 UTC 2012

Hi all,

not sure whether anyone of you is following this, but the EU Council  
of Ministers is about to create a "European Legislation Identifier  
(ELI)" which is "aimed at providing a flexible and unique way to  
reference legislation across different legal systems and paving the  
way for a semantic web of Legal Gazettes and Official Journals."

The exact details documenting the ELI are not available yet as far as  
I can see, but the decision to create it is public:



Ronny Patz
EU Communications & Policy Officer

Transparency International
Liaison Office to the EU
Rue Breydel 40, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
EU Transparency Register N° 501222919-71

T. + 32 (0) 2 23 58 640
E. rpatz at transparency.org
Twitter: @ti_eu | @ronpatz

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