[Open-Legislation] amendments liberated

stef s at ctrlc.hu
Mon Sep 24 11:20:04 UTC 2012

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:01:54PM +0100, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> This is awesome stef :-)

combined with another tool:

it might be even possible to put the orig commission proposal and the
amendments into git. but i'm unsure regarding the why, how...

i would rather think putting them into annotator, if annotator would be able
to handle a few hundred comments...

> On 24 September 2012 10:32, stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:
> > here's a sneak preview of an upcoming parltrack feature:
> >   http://parltrack.euwiki.org/amendments/2011/0430(COD)
> One tip: think auto-opening the info rather than waiting for click on
> link would be better UX for most users.

hmmm, i have to find a better way to integrate this into PT, some dossiers
have +1000 amendments, and similar for productive MEPs. that amount of data is
a bit overwhelming. so if anyone has an idea how to present this shoot a mail.

> > the data is possibly not complete, but can serve as a starting point i hope.
> > if everything goes well this will be integrated into MEP and dossier views.
> > until then you can change the dossier id in the url above, or replace it with
> > a name of a mep: http://parltrack.euwiki.org/amendments/SCHAAKE%20Marietje
> >
> > some stats on the data, total number of amendments in the 7th term so far:
> > 168917, amended dossiers: 976, amending MEPs: 775.
> > top 3 MEPS:
> > Olle SCHMIDT: 2038
> > Philippe LAMBERTS: 1974
> > Silvia-Adriana ŢICĂU: 1610
> Wow - btw, all this info would make for a great blog post :-)

hehe, there is such a post: http://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/blog/posts/amendments_in_parltrack.html

gpg: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/stef.gpg
gpg fp: F617 AC77 6E86 5830 08B8  BB96 E7A4 C6CF A84A 7140
otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt

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