[Open-Legislation] Fwd: [euopendata] Examples of using open data on legislation?

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 07:49:38 UTC 2014

Hi Stef,

Thanks for getting back on this.
I am specifically looking for applications / usage of open data on existing
laws. Parltrack, pippi longstrings are looking at the legislative process,
or the way laws get made.

My question is about the bodies of laws already in place, so after they got
into force, and to see how they are being used as open data. So I am not
looking at the parliamentary / legislative side, but at the judicial
(although not in the sense of verdicts/jurisprudence)
Legislation.gov.uk for instance, where you can find all laws for the UK for
instance has spent a lot of effort of turning it into linked open data. Is
anyone using that data, and if so how?

Dutch existing laws for instance are at wetten.nl and available as open
data as well. For those I know of a handful of applications and e.g. Kluwer
Navigator who use that open data in their products.

I'm looking for more examples you can think of from countries like France,
UK, Germany, Austria, Scandinavia.

thanks in advance.


Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu



On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 6:57 PM, stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 07, 2014 at 11:02:48AM +0100, Sander van der Waal wrote:
> > Some people on this list may have some examples for Ton?
> i don't quite get the question, this list is all about that. i'd guess 80%
> of
> us have examples: parltrack, pippi longstrings, diriwa, herr nilsson are
> the
> first things that come to my mind just what i contributed to.
> --
> otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt
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