[open-linguistics] Getting started with the linguistics working group

Sabine Cretella s.cretella at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 13:01:25 UTC 2010


collecting linguistic resources (mainly dictionary data for us) is something
we anyway do. For me it is more a: collect links when I come across them
than actually searching for them. For many less resourced langauges you find
them by chance when searching for something completely different.

This means: yes, we are interested, but I cannot say right now how much we
can actually contribute.

Cheers, Bina

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Sebastian Hellmann <
hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> my holidays will be from 20.10.10 till 20.11.10
> There might be a workshop I have to attend on 3/4 December, but it is not
> yet fixed:
> http://math.ut.ee/tlt9/
> I might be able to find new members, although it would be better, if
> Christian would go, as he is more knowledgeable in such matters :)
> There is a DB Wiktionary Mailing List:
> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=190976
> I added to CC William Waites from OKFN and additionaly Sabine Cretella from
> Vox Humanitatis
> @Sabine: I just wanted to ping you respective this topic, you will have to
> decide yourself, if you get involved.
> It's about finding and collecting open linguistic resources (any kind, not
> just for translation) and tackling legal issues. We are still in an early
> research phase. Below are some links.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian
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