[open-linguistics] Doodle next telco

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Sun Jul 1 20:57:29 UTC 2012

Dear all,

we should definitely have a telco by the end of the month, also
because we need to update with people who could not attend the LDL or
LREC meetings.

But another idea would be to have an additional real-life meeting at
the ACL next week (Jeju, South Korea, July 8th-11th,
http://www.acl2012.org/). Of course, this would make sense only if
there is a sufficient number of interested people at the conference. I
would be there for the main conference and the day before.

All the best,

2012/7/1 Sebastian Nordhoff <sebastian_nordhoff at eva.mpg.de>:
> Dear all,
> we had decided to have a telco or real life meeting about every 6 weeks.
> This would mean early July, but that might be at too short notice. I
> therefore propose that we have a telco end of July. Please have a look at
> the doodle and mark your preferences
> http://www.doodle.com/6ivbuscvmqh9qwib
> Things to discuss would be recent activities, future publications, and the
> structure of the group. There are now over 100 people on the list. This is
> great, but it might require a different organizational model than before.
> http://okfnpad.org/OWLG
> Best wishes
> Sebastian
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