[open-linguistics] BIS 2014 Workshops - Call for papers

BIS 2014 bis at kie.ue.poznan.pl
Tue Apr 1 08:14:58 UTC 2014

                        Call for Papers

            Workshops co-located with BIS 2014
                        Larnaca, Cyprus
                        21-23 May, 2014

List of workshops:
* AKTB 2014 - 6th Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business

* BITA 2014 - 5th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment

* DC 2014 - 1st Workshop on Digital Currencies 

* LIT 2014 - 6th Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology 

* MODAPP 2014 - 1st Workshop on Modern Applications of Business Information Systems 

* TSRB 2014 - 1st Workshop on Tools for Setting Up and Running a Business in Cloud Computing 

* VLBA 2014 - Workshop on Cloud Operations and Very Large Business Applications 

Detailed descriptions are included below.


6th Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business (AKTB 2014) 

The AKTB2014 is the 6th workshop organised in conjunction with BIS series conferences. It pursues to engage researchers and practitioners, specialists and market analysts to share their research experiences and domain knowledge in application of contemporary computational intelligence methods for modelling and implementation of business information systems. We invite papers which provide advanced services for the information systems users, propose innovative solutions for systems and process modelling, especially targeting Big Data issues.

    Advanced knowledge-based business information systems
    Computational intelligence for business (artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert systems)
    Decision support systems in business enterprises, financial institutions and e-management
    Knowledge-based models of data mining in business
    Business process and information requirements analysis
    Information technologies and software developments for business process modelling
    Artificial intelligence for big data
    Agent-based and embedded systems in business applications
    Information systems in e-business, e-banking and marketing
    Online trading by using evolution-based methods, neural networks and rule-based systems
    Advanced computational approaches to portfolio optimization and selection
    Analysis of financial time series
    Estimations, modelling, algorithms of application of investment strategies in financial markets
    Advanced research and case studies of application computational methods in banking, insurance and credit risk evaluation, company rating systems

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
    Demo papers: max. 4 pages
Important dates
    April 10, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    April 22, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    April 30, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 21-23, 2014 - the workshop

    Vilnius University, Department of Informatics

    Dalia Kriksciuniene
    Virgilijus Sakalauskas	


5th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA 2014)

A contemporary challenge for enterprises is to keep up with the pace of changing business demands imposed on them in different ways. There is today an obvious demand for continuous improvement and alignment in enterprises but unfortunately many organisations don’t have proper instruments (methods, patterns, best practices etc.) to achieve this. Enterprise modelling and business process management are two areas belonging to a tradition where the mission is to improve business practice and business and IT alignment. In this tradition the alignment process usually is manifested in taking a business from one state (AS-IS) into another improved state (TO-BE), i.e. a transformation of the business and its supporting IT into something that is regarded as better. A challenge in business and IT alignment is to move beyond a narrow focus on one tradition or technology. There is a need to aware of and able to deal with a number of dimensions of the enterprise architecture and their rela
 tions in order to create alignment. Examples of such dimensions are: organisational structures, strategies, business models, work practices, processes, and IS/IT structures. Among the concepts that deserve special attention in this context is IT governance. Effective IT governance aligns IT investments with overall business priorities, determines who makes the IT decisions and assigns accountability for the outcomes.

This workshop aims to bring together people who have strong interest in business and IT alignment. We would like to invite researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to submit original results of their completed or ongoing projects. We encourage broad understanding of possible approaches and solutions for business and IT alignment, including IT governance subjects. Specific focus will be on practices of business and IT alignment, i.e. we encourage submission of case study and experience papers.

    Challenges in business and IT alignment
    Business and IT alignment in small and medium sized enterprises
    Business/ IT alignment through BPM
    Business and IT alignment discovery, change and improvement - methodologies and best practices
    Business value of business and IT alignment
    Organisational implementations of various levels of business and IT alignment approaches
    Metrics associated with the alignment life cycle, re-design, implementation, management and improvement
    Best practice business and IT alignment case studies
    The relationship between BPM and enterprise architecture
    Critical success factors and associated KPIs´ for alignment initiatives
    IT governance as a mean for alignment
    Enterprise modelling as a tool for business and IT alignment
    Human aspects of business and IT alignment; organizational staffing and structure, change management and leadership strategies
    Design thinking in business and IT alignment
    Practices of business and IT alignment
    Experience reports and case studies

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
Important dates
    Mar 20 (11:59pm CET), 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    April 10, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    May 10, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 21-23, 2014 - the workshop

    Jönköping University
    Rostock University

    Kurt Sandkuhl
    Ulf Seigerroth

1st Workshop on Digital Currencies (DC 2014)

During the last few years, the growing interest and popularity in crypto currencies have fostered developments in research and practices in relevant fields. Academics and practitioners, alike, are facing challenges related to the ever increasing required infrastructure for mining crypro-currencies, the operational aspects of exchanges, the regulatory frameworks that are required for the new form of payment instruments without hindering the growth of the new economy and the relation between crypto-currencies and official payment methods.

Nowadays, addressing such challenges becomes essential for developing new services and possibly business models that contain the prospect of restructuring financial systems.

This workshop invites researchers and business experts to share knowledge and competencies for organizational and practical apsects of crypto-currency systems. We expect participants to present research papers, comment on business cases, hold tutorial sessions or demonstrate systems, tools and other related issues needed to:
(a) manage crypto-currencies
(b) optimize operational aspects of crypto-currency exchanges and
(c) assess and make informed decisions related to digital currencies.

    Types of Digital Payment Systems and Properties
    Crypto-currencies and Security
    Mining Crypto-ocurrencies
    P2P Decentralized Architectures and Platforms
    Crypto-currency Exchange Markets
    Risk Analysis of Exchanges for Digital Currency
    Assessing Emerging Regulatory Frameworks
    Mobile Information Systems and Services in Crypto-currencies
    Digital Currency as a Service
    Digital Currency and the Banking Sector
    Investing and Crypto-currencies
    Regulatory Frameworks in Digital Monetary Systems
    Digital Currency Transactions and Privacy
    Policy and Ethics
    Case Studies and Best Practices

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
    Demo papers: max. 4 pages
Important dates
    Mar 16, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    Mar 23, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    April 3, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 22, 2014 - the workshop

    University of Nicosia

    George Giaglis
    Angelika Kokkinaki

6th Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology (LIT 2014)

The Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology (LIT) Workshop is an annual event which gathers people interested in broadly understood Legal Informatics and its applications. The LIT 2014 meeting will take place in Larnaca, Cyprus as part of the 17th International Conference on Business Information Systems. As a continuation of previous editions, we invite people dealing with different domains closely related to legal matter and Information Technology.

The 6th Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology Workshop will be a multi-disciplinary, one-day workshop that will bring together practitioners and researchers to investigate challenges and opportunities in the emerging trends on the verge of law and IT. The workshop will examine vital issues, including law-related business processes, legal ontologies, description frameworks, discussing new research and innovative applications in Law, Information Technology as well as Insurance. The workshop is receptive to all papers dealing with any topic in these interdisciplinary domains.

In the year 2013 all papers accepted to the workshop have been published in Springer Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. We are planning to continue the cooperation with the publisher on this edition of the event.

    Alternative & online Dispute Resolution
    Modeling negotiation and contract formation
    Specialized knowledge representation and logics for law
    Knowledge management in the legal domain
    Formal and computational models of legal reasoning
    Formal and computational models of argumentation
    Computational models of evidential reasoning
    Computational models of case-based legal reasoning
    Information extraction & categorization of legal documents
    Information Technology & Crime Prevention
    Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining in Law
    Text mining and knowledge extraction in law
    Law & Future Internet technologies
    Legal argumentation
    Legal aspects of BIS
    Legal aspects of IT
    Legal Expert Systems
    Legal ontologies - creation, use & lifecycles
    Natural language processing in law
    Question answering retrieval for law and governmental services
    Risk management & trust in law
    Semantic indexing of legal documents
    Semantic Web technologies in law and e-government
    Specific legal domains appliances (systems in civil, tax, commercial, insurance law)
    Validation of legal knowledge
    Modeling norms for multi-agent systems

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages

Important dates
    March 21 (11:59pm CET), 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    April 27, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    May 10, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 21 or 22 or 23, 2014 - the workshop

    Poznañ University of Economics, Department of Information Systems, Poland
    Institute of Computer Science, Maria Curie Sk³odowska University, Lublin, Poland

    Erich Schweighofer
    Piotr Stolarski
    John Zeleznikow
    Tomasz ¯urek

1st Workshop on Modern Applications of Business Information Systems (MODAPP 2014)

Modern Applications of Business Information Systems (MODAPP 2014) workshop is organized in conjunction with BIS 2014 conference. The workshop offers a platform for discussion about most recent applications of information systems that benefit from the up-to-date research trends: semantics and Big Data. Since the workshop focuses on practical use of applications, the system quality and its evaluation is an important area of interest.

Researchers and business professionals are invited to submit papers based on finished projects results as well as on ongoing research. 

	- quality management
	- quality of information systems
	- quality evaluation
    - semantic interoperability 
    - business models for Future Internet
    - Big Data for information systems
    - Linked Data Application Architectures 
	- Semantics for Deep Web
	Application in specific domains:
    - user Interfaces
	- e-health systems
	- knowledge management systems
	- e-governance solutions
	- ERP systems

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Short papers: max. 6 pages

Important dates:
    April 10, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    April 22, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    April 30, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 21-23, 2014 - the workshop

    Poznañ University of Economics, Poland

    El¿bieta Bukowska


1st Workshop on Tools for Setting Up and Running a Business in Cloud Computing (TSRB 2014)

During the last decade technology evolved in a way that resulted in huge amount of data. This evolvement imposed on enterprises, the need to automate their core processes for operational excellence while spending huge amount of money to acquire the infrastructure and the tools to do so. The data repositories developed, provided the means to accrue the significant benefit of leveraging the value hidden in information accumulated during business transactions over time to support decision making and improve performance implying additional investments for the companies.

Nowadays, this need becomes crucial for the survival of enterprises since competition becomes more aggressive, profit margins are limited, market becomes more demanding and customers seek experience of high quality and value. Even though, the cost of such infrastructures has been significantly reduced, the economic crisis limited the business budgets (especially for small and medium enterprises) in ways that could not afford setting up high performance infrastructures.

The concept of cloud computing provides the solution to address the problem of high cost by providing infrastructures that accommodate the tools needed for setting up and running a business.

This workshop invites researchers and business experts to share knowledge by introducing innovative tools for setting up and running a business in cloud computing. We expect practitioners to demonstrate business case tutorials that will introduce the sophisticated technologies and skills needed to capture transactions and process business data: (a) to operate business and (b) to find patterns and relationships from past transactions to make decisions and to improve an organization’s performance and decision making ability.

    Cloud Computing: Solutions and Best Practices
    In-memory Computing and Big Data
    Business Suites and Underline Architectures
    Advanced Management Solutions: Financials, HR, Sales, Procurement, Billing, Order Management, etc.
    Advanced Knowledge-Based Business Information Systems
    Decision Support Systems in Business
    Enterprise Resource Planning
    Customer Relationship Management
    Supplier Relationship Management
    Business Intelligence
    Data Mining In Business
    Facility Management
    Customer Experience Management
    Campaign Management
    Developing innovative products and services (basket analysis)
    Business Discovery
    Social Media

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
    Demo papers: max. 4 pages

Important dates
    Mar 24, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    Apr 24, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    May 4, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 22, 2014 - the workshop

    Cyprus Telecommunication Authority

    Hariklea Kazeli
    Bambos Papacharalambous

Workshop on Cloud Operations and Very Large Business Applications (VLBA 2014)

Very Large Business Applications (VLBA) act as enabler for intra- and interorganisational business processes and play a significant role in the development of new business models. With a special focus on related operations management this workshop aims at studying, grounding, and finally exploiting the potential of VLBA to solve integration and coordination problems in distributed business processes as a key enabler of flexible, boundaryless information systems.

Key research questions are:
- how to represent VLBA in service-based information systems by employing and adapting constructs, models, and methods of different information systems technology stacks,
- how to coordinate software services by employing and adapting approaches for service discovery and composition,
- how to operate large-scale, highly distributed enterprise systems aligned with the needs of an agile business environment,
- how to negotiate and agree upon the delivery of software-based services (SLA),
- how to control the delivery of software-based services in VLBA by measuring efficiency and effectiveness.

    Cloud Computing and VLBA
    VLBA Operations Management
    Strategic, tactic and operative Systems Landscape Engineering
    VLBA Business Simulations
    VLBA Business Models
    Analytical Business Process Engineering for VLBA
    VLBA and Knowledge Management
    VLBA security issues
    Innovative VLBA Applications

    Long papers: max. 12 pages
    Work-in-progress reports: max. 8 pages
    Demo papers: max. 4 pages

Important dates
    March 21, 2014 - submission deadline for papers
    April 27, 2014 - notification of acceptance/rejection
    May 10, 2014 - submission of final papers
    May 21, 2014 - the workshop

    Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, MRCC / Business Informatics, Germany

    Holger Schrödl
    Klaus Turowski

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