[open-linguistics] GSCL doctoral thesis award in memory of Wolfgang Hoeppner

Jungi Kim kim at ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Jan 9 12:04:49 UTC 2014

The GSCL is to award a prize for an excellent doctoral thesis in the field of
language technology respectively computational linguistics once every two years,
the thesis must be submitted in one of the disciplines or its areas. Candidates
should already have defended their work (viva voce). On submission to this first
round of applications for the award, less than 36 months should have passed
since viva voca. Prior nomination for other awards is permitted. Theses from all
German-speaking countries are acceptable (Austria, Germany and Switzerland) as
well as from any other country, as long as they are focused on the German

The following documentation must be submitted together with a copy of the thesis
(pdf format required): 
* at least one recommendation (generally by the first referee),
* summary of the doctoral thesis (max. 10 pages), 
* list of the candidate's publications, 
* Curriculum Vitae. 

Work that marks relevant progress and will significantly advance language
technology respectively computational linguistics will be considered. 
Successful candidates will be awarded 1000 euros. 
Submission deadline for 2014: April 30, 2014, 23:59 CEST. Theses must be
submitted in electronic format (PDF files). 

All documents must be submitted by the above stated date, either in German or
English, to the following URL address: 
All PDF files must be subsumed under a ZIP archive and uploaded. 

Jury members have been nominated by the scientific board of the GSCL. Jury
members are
* Prof. Dr. Anette Frank, Univ. Heidelberg        
* Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schröder, Univ. Duisburg-Essen
* Prof. Dr. David Schlangen, Univ. Bielefeld
* Prof. Dr. Elke Teich, Univ. Saarbrücken
* Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, DIPF and TU Darmstadt (chair)
* Prof. Dr. Jost Gippert, Univ. Frankfurt
* Prof. Dr. Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Duisburg-Essen

The jury will select a shortlist of candidates by late July 2014; the prize will
first be awarded at the KONVENS 2014 conference. 
It is possible to increase the number of awardees and the prize money can be
Recourse to the courts is ruled out.

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