[open-linguistics] final CFP: EMNLP workshop on Taxonomy Extraction with Applications in Semantics (TEXAS)

Paul Buitelaar paul.buitelaar at deri.org
Thu Jul 24 14:37:43 UTC 2014

Taxonomy Extraction with Applications in Semantics (TEXAS)

At EMNLP 2014, 29 October 2014, Doha, Qatar

** Submission deadline: July 26, 2014 **

Taxonomies form the backbone of knowledge-based systems by organizing 
knowledge in a machine interpretable manner and facilitating information 
integration. Hierarchical structures provide valuable input in 
knowledge-intensive applications such as question answering and textual 
entailment and are useful tools for browsing and navigation of document 
collections, especially when applied for exploration and discovery.

The TEXAS workshop aims to provide a venue for presenting and discussing 
approaches that evaluate taxonomy extraction, and its subtasks 
(term/concept extraction, term/concept relation discovery, taxonomy 
construction and cleaning) in the context of semantic applications such 
as: entity search, entity disambiguation and linking, information 
integration and summarization, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, 
inference in NLP tasks (question answering, textual entailment), etc. In 
this way, progress towards automatically constructed hierarchies can be 
measured relative to other tasks and real-world applications.

Expected research topics of relevance to the workshop:

  * application-based evaluation of taxonomies in question answering,
    document browsing,document clustering, expert finding or other
  * using automatically constructed taxonomies for searching, browsing
    and organizing information
  * constructing taxonomies for/from social media
  * probabilistic models for topic hierarchies (hierarchical topic
  * constructing taxonomies using hierarchical clustering
  * using distributional models for taxonomy construction
  * acquisition and modelling of categorical structure and modelling
    human category acquisition
  * constructing topic categorization systems and subject hierarchies
  * constructing hierarchical faceted metadata structures
  * methods for transforming semi-structured knowledge resources into
  * merging and aligning existing resources for taxonomy construction
  * comparing, aligning and evaluating existing hierarchical structures
  * domain glossary acquisition and extracting taxonomies from definitions
  * constructing application/domain specific taxonomies from existing
    resources (lexical resources,Linked Open Data, Wikipedia category
    structure, semantic networks)
  * using different hierarchical structures (e.g., tree, DAG) and
    relation types (e.g., hyponymy, meronymy) for taxonomy construction
  * attaching Named Entities to hierarchical structures and using Named
    Entities to drive taxonomy construction by extensional analysis
  * multilinguality and taxonomies: constructing and using multilingual

Paper Submissions

Submissions should be made electronically, using Softconf at 
Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL 2014 proceedings 
and should not exceed 8 pages of content and one additional references 
page. The LaTeX style files and the Microsoft Word style files tailored 
for this year's conference are available at: http://emnlp2014.org/call.html.

The reviewing of papers will be double-blind, so please make sure your 
paper shows the title, but no author information. You should likewise 
not have any self identifying references anywhere in the paper submitted 
for review. For example, rather than this: "We showed previously (Smith, 
2001), ...", use citations such as: "Smith (2001) previously showed 
...". References to your own work in thesis proposals should also be 
anonymized. You may for example write it as "in X (2000) we showed", 
etc. and do not add your papers in the reference list.

Important Dates
- Paper submission: July 26, 2014
- Paper notification: August 26, 2014
- Camera ready: September 15
- Workshop: October 29, 2014

Further information: http://emnlp2014.org/workshops/TEXAS/call.html

Workshop Organisers:
Georgeta Bordea - Unit for Natural Language Processing, Insight, 
National University of Ireland, Galway
Paul Buitelaar - Unit for Natural Language Processing, Insight, National 
University of Ireland, Galway
Stefano Faralli - Linguistic Computing Laboratory, Dept. of Computer 
Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Roberto Navigli - Linguistic Computing Laboratory, Dept. of Computer 
Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

The TEXAS workshop is supported by the following projects: "MultiJEDI" 
ERC Starting Grant (http://multijedi.org/), lead by Prof. Roberto 
Navigli at the Linguistic Computing Laboratory of the Sapienza 
University of Rome, Italy; Linked Data and Text Mining research area 
(http://nlp.deri.ie/), lead by Dr. Paul Buitelaar at INSIGHT 
(http://www.insight-centre.org/), the Irish Centre for Data Analytics, 
National University of Ireland, Galway.
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