[open-linguistics] Fwd: Next telco Thursday, August 27th, 10am CET (Berlin time)

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Wed Aug 26 17:22:43 UTC 2015

Dear all,

the usual reminder for tomorrow's telco, again. (Thanks, Andrea ;)) As
always, everyone interested in linguistic linked - or - open data is
welcome to join, but if you're not a regular participant and like to be
included, please don't forget to send me your skype id or contact me via
skype (christian.chiarcos).

Topics include:
- various updates
- wrapping up LDL and LLOD/LSA workshops and EUROLAN summer school
- upcoming events
- planning next LDL workshop
- publication plans

The etherpad under https://pad.okfn.org/p/OWLG still features the minutes
from the July skype call. I'll archive and update it today in the evening.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrea Schalley <a.schalley at griffith.edu.au>
Date: 2015-08-19 14:32 GMT+02:00
Subject: [open-linguistics] Next telco Thursday, August 27th, 10am CET
(Berlin time)
To: "A list for those interested in open data in linguistics." <
open-linguistics at lists.okfn.org>

Dear all,

This is just a reminder that it is time for our regular OWLG Skype telco
again soon, which is scheduled for

Thursday, 27 August 2015, 10:00am CET (Berlin time),

i.e. *next week* (not tomorrow).

We hope that everyone who is interested can make it.

As always, new members and colleagues interested in linked and/or open
linguistic resources are encouraged to introduce themselves at the telco.

Generally, we will endeavour to call the same group of people as last time.
In case you would like to participate but could not make the previous
meetings, please contact Christian Chiarcos (christian.chiarcos) in advance
via skype with your details and an open-linguistics related message. Also,
if as a regular participant you can't make it this time, please let
Christian know.

Hope to talk to many of you next week!



Dr Andrea Schalley
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Languages and Linguistics
Nathan Campus, Griffith University
Nathan, Brisbane, QLD 4111
Ph: +61 7 3735-4428
Fax: +61 7 3735-6766
Email: a.schalley at griffith.edu.au
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