[open-linguistics] Call for Feedback on LIDER Roadmap (Public telco on February 19th, 3pm)
Sebastian Hellmann
pr-aksw at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Tue Feb 17 14:19:44 UTC 2015
Call for Feedback on LIDER Roadmap
<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Flider-project.eu%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHPzNjMNK_NKwYWG1xvIEFlmfhYnA> project
is gathering feedback on a roadmap for the use of Linguistic Linked Data
for content analytics
We invite you to give feedback in the following ways:
* Attend and discuss with us at the public conference call on 19
p.m. CET (see agenda below)
* Comment on the roadmap directly
* Join the Linked Data for Language Technology Group
<https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fcommunity%2Fld4lt%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNE646nP7pc2Wq5HiRq1JrFNj9QNvQ> and
stay up to date
* Participate in a LIDER interview (
* Write us an email with feedback to public-ld4lt at w3.org
<mailto:public-ld4lt at w3.org>
Excerpt from the roadmap
Full document: available here
Summary slides: available here
Content is growing at an impressive, exponential rate. Exabytes of new
data are created every single day. In fact, data has been recently
referred to as the “oil” of the new economy, where the new economy is
understood as “a new way of organizing and managing economic activity
based on the new opportunities that the Internet provided for businesses” .
Content analytics, i.e. the ability to process and generate insights
from existing content, plays and will continue to play a crucial role
for enterprises and organizations that seek to generate value from data,
e.g. in order to inform decision and policy making.
As corroborated by many analysts, substantial investments in technology,
partnerships and research are required to reach an ecosystem consisting
of many players and technological solutions that provide the necessary
infrastructure, expertise and human resources required to make sure that
organizations can effectively deploy content analytics solutions at
large scale in order to generate relevant insights that support policy
and decision making, or even to define completely new business models in
a data-driven economy.
Assuming that such investments need to be and will be made, this
roadmap explores the role that linked data and semantic technologies can
and will play in the field of content analytics and will generate a set
of recommendations for organizations, funders and researchers on which
technologies to invest as a basis to prioritize their investment in R&D
as well as on optimizing their mid- and long-term strategies and roadmaps.
Conference Call on 19th of February 3 p.m. CET
Connection details:
Summary slides: available here
1. Introduction to the LIDER Roadmap (Philipp Cimiano, 10 minutes)
2. Discussion of Global Customer Engagement Use Cases (All, 10 minutes)
3. Discussion of Public Sector and Civil Society Use Cases (All, 10
4. Discussion of Linked Data Life Cycle and Linguistic Linked Data
Value Chain (All, 10 minutes)
5. General Discussion on further use cases, items in the roadmap etc.
(20 minutes)
In addition, the call will briefly discuss progress of meta-share linked
data metadata model.
The call is open to the public, no LD4LT group participation is
required. Dial-in information
<https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fcommunity%2Fld4lt%2Fwiki%2FTeleconference_logistics&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHFx-EgKfpj-4OgugoxyTR6sMv4Fw> is
available. Please spread this information widely. No knowledge about
linguistic linked data is required. We especially are interested in
feedback from potential users of linguistic linked data.
About the LIDER Project
Website: http://lider-project.eu
The project’s mission is to provide the basis for the creation of a
Linguistic Linked Data cloud that can support content analytics tasks of
unstructured multilingual cross-media content. By achieving this goal,
LIDER will impact on the ease and efficiency with which Linguistic
Linked Data will be exploited in content analytics processes.
We aim at providing an ecosystem for the establishment of a new Linked
Open Data (LOD) based ecosystem of free, interlinked, and semantically
interoperable language resources (corpora, dictionaries, lexical and
syntactic metadata, etc.) and media resources (image, video, etc.
metadata) that will allow for free and open exploitation of such
resources in multilingual, cross-media content analytics across the EU
and beyond, with specific use cases in industries related to social
media, financial services, localization, and other multimedia content
providers and consumers.
Take a personal interview to include your voice into the roadmap
Contact: http://lider-project.eu/?q=content/contact-us
The EU project LIDER has been tasked by the European Commission to put
together a roadmap for future R&D funding in multilingual industries
such as content and knowledge localization, multilingual terminology and
taxonomy management, cross-border business intelligence, etc. As a
leading supplier of solutions in one or more of these industries, we
would need your input for this roadmap. We would like to conduct a short
interview with you to establish your views on current and developing R&D
efforts in multilingual and semantic technologies that will likely play
an increasing role in these industries, such as Linked Data and related
standards for web-based, multilingual data processing. The interview
will cover the below 5 questions and will not take more than 30 minutes.
Please let us know on a suitable time and date.
Sebastian Hellmann
AKSW/NLP2RDF research group
Insitute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) and DBpedia Association
* *Sept. 1-5, 2014* Conference Week in Leipzig, including
** *Sept 2nd*, MLODE 2014 <http://mlode2014.nlp2rdf.org/>
** *Sept 3rd*, 2nd DBpedia Community Meeting
** *Sept 4th-5th*, SEMANTiCS (formerly i-SEMANTICS) <http://semantics.cc/>
Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf
Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://nlp2rdf.org,
http://linguistics.okfn.org, https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt
Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann
Research Group: http://aksw.org
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