[open-linguistics] Open Letter to the EC - please circulate and sign *before Wednesday March 25*
Christian Chiarcos
christian.chiarcos at web.de
Mon Mar 23 19:47:55 UTC 2015
Dear (European) linguists and NLP specialists,
you might have been notified about this open letter over another
channel already, but in case that this has not yet happened, please
consider to support this action. We probably all are aware about how
much the current high standards of European language technology owe to
EC funding, so if indeed this is vanishing from the ECs proprities,
this represents a severe threat to the future of our field(s) in the
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Please Sign and Circulate: Open Letter to the EC
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 13:28:24 +0100
From: Georg Rehm <georg.rehm at dfki.de> <georg.rehm at dfki.de>
To: META-NET Office <office at meta-net.eu> <office at meta-net.eu>
Dear colleagues,
we would like to ask you for your support of an Open Letter to
the EC, requesting to address the multilingual challenge in their
forthcoming Strategy on the Digital Single Market
(DSM)<http://multilingualeurope.eu/> <http://multilingualeurope.eu/>.
Our open letter is a response
from the Language (Technology) community - including Linguistics,
Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Data,
Knowledge, Cognitive Science, Multilingualism etc. - to the EC
consultations for their DSM Strategy.
Unfortunately, there is a very severe danger that our field is
completely vanishing from the EC priorities. Currently it's not
yet part of the strategic priorities of EC Vice President Andrus
Ansip - we're trying to change that.
Language Technology has already been removed from the Horizon
2020 Work Programme for 2016/2017. We must act immediately!
Otherwise our field won't be recognised by the EC for the
foreseeable future.
This is why we would like to ask you to support our Open Letter
which is online for signing at:
* http://multilingualeurope.eu *
If you agree with our appeal, please sign the letter and
circulate this message to your colleagues, friends and networks.
We have to collect as many signatures as possible by the
beginning of next week. We will then inform all Commissioners
about this letter. On Wednesday (March 25), VP Andrus Ansip will
discuss the DSM priorities with his DSM Project Team.
The next few days are our only chance to get the EC's attention.
Let's use it!
Your support is very much needed! Please circulate this message
Hope to see many of you at our Riga Summit 2015 on the
Multilingual Digital Single Market: META-FORUM 2015 (April 27),
the Plenary Day (April 28), the Multilingual Web Workshop 2015
(April 29) - and more! Please register your attendance
athttp://www.rigasummit2015.eu (participation is free of charge).
Thank you very much for your support!
Best wishes,
Georg Rehm
*Dr. Georg Rehm*
META-NET, Network Manager
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