[open-linguistics] Next telco Thursday, July 2nd, 10am CET (Berlin time)
Sebastian Hellmann
hellmann at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Wed Feb 17 14:39:25 UTC 2016
Dear OWLG list and Yoshihiko,
I would like to have a workshop at ISWC which mixes the following topics:
- Knowledge Integration (KI): Ontologies, Identifiers and Data with
respect to fusion of data
- Knowledge Extraction (KE): Lexica, Corpora and Knowledge Extraction in
I suggest the name of this Workshop to be "The DBpedia KIKE Workshop"
and it would be somewhat related to LDL, but is more general.
Overall, I would like to allow data submissions in RDF to create an
interoperable repository for Language Data. Well, the repo could also
just provide a backup or similar.
This would take the LIDER guidelines as a basis.
It would be nice to have an ontology classifying different layers of NLP
or annotations, if anybody has this.
All the best,
PS: I will set up a telco with Yoshihiko and others soon to bootstrap
the discussion about the Workshop application on March 10th
On 06/25/2015 11:04 AM, Yoshihiko Hayashi wrote:
> Dear list members,
> This is the first time for me to post a message to this list. This
> message is written to ask for a discussion on the venue of LDL-2016 at
> the next week or future telco.
> My colleagues in Japan (Dr. Seiji Koide, and Prof. Hideaki Takeda of
> NII) and myself would like to present bids to host LDL-2016 as one of
> the co-located workshops of ISWC-2016, which will be held in Kobe,
> Japan, during 16-20 October, 2016. As you may know, ISWC is a top
> conference in the semantic Web field, the workshop selection might be
> selective. Still it would be a great opportunity for us to demonstrate
> a range of activities in the LDL area.
> As you might know, Kobe is a nice city located in Kansai (west) area
> of Japan, not far from famous cities like Kyoto, Nara, or Osaka.
> http://swsa.semanticweb.org/content/iswc-2016-will-be-held-kobe-japan
> http://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/foreign/english/
> As far as I've heard from Prof. Hiedaki Takeda, who will serve as the
> local chair of ISWC-2016, the call for workshop proposal will be
> issued around mid-March, 2016, meaning that we have time to deepen the
> discussion.
> This message has been cc-ed to Dr. Seiji Koide, and Prof. HIdeaki
> Tkaeda: we invite any questions you might have to push for moving
> ahead on this direction.
> Best regards,
> -- Yoshihiko Hayashi, Professor, Dr.Eng.
> Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics,
> School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
> Address: 2-4-12 Okubo, Shinjuku, 169-0072, Japan
> mailto:yshk.hayashi at aoni.waseda.jp
> http://www.leading-sn.waseda.ac.jp/
> 2015-06-23 8:06 GMT+09:00 Christian Chiarcos <christian.chiarcos at web.de>:
>> Dear all,
>> some time has passed, again, and we should gather for a skype call for updates and upcoming events. I would suggest the regular time slot on Thursday 10:00am CET (Berlin time) for *next week*, i.e., July 2nd.
>> Topics include:
>> - organizational issues
>> - wrapping up the discussions on "linguistic relevance" and LLOD cloud resource categories
>> - LLOD cloud diagram status and metadata management with linghub/datahub
>> - impressions from last week's Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-15, Cercedilla, Spain, http://datathon.lider-project.eu/)
>> - developments at the W3C Community Groups
>> - events on Linguistic Linked Open Data in July, e.g.,
>> (a) the 2015.EUROLAN Summer School on Linguistic Linked Open Data (13 - 25 July 2015, Sibiu, Romania, http://eurolan.info.uaic.ro/2015/)
>> (b) the Workshop on Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences at the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute (25 - 26 July, Chicago, http://quijote.fdi.ucm.es:8084/LLOD-LSASummerWorkshop2015/Program.html)
>> (c) our 4th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2015) at ACL-2015 (Beijing, 31 July, http://ldl2015.linguistic-lod.org/)
>> [That will be a busy month for some of us ;)]
>> As always, new members and colleagues generally intrested in linked and/or open linguistic resources are encouraged to introduce themselves at the telco. I will call to the same group of people as last time. In case you want to participate but didn't so at the last skype calls, please contact me (christian.chiarcos) in advance via skype with your details and an open-linguistics related message. Also, regular participants should let me know in case they can't make it this time.
>> I will update wiki minutes for the last telcos and the etherpad after July 1st and send a reminder to the list, then.
>> Best,
>> Christian
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All the best,
Sebastian Hellmann
AKSW/KILT research group at Leipzig University <http://aksw.org/Groups/KILT>
Insitute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University
DBpedia Association
* *Feb 12th, 2016* DBpedia Community Meeting The Hague
* *Feb 15th, 2016* Submission Deadline, 5th Workshop on Linked Data in
Linguistics <http://ldl2016.linguistic-lod.org/>
* *Apr 3rd, 2016* Submission Deadline, SEMANTiCS 2016: Workshop &
Tutorial Proposals
* *Apr 21st, 2016* Submission Deadline, SEMANTiCS 2016: Research &
Innovation Papers
* *Sep 12th-15th, 2016* SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig <http://semantics.cc/>
Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf
Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://nlp2rdf.org,
http://linguistics.okfn.org, https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt
Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann
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