[open-linguistics] Collaboration between the OLWG and the W3C LD4LT community group

Felix Sasaki fsasaki at w3.org
Mon Jan 11 06:35:36 UTC 2016


I want to introduce myself to this group. My name is Felix Sasaki, I have been active in W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and DFKI (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence) for some years, esp. in the last two years in the context of the LIDER project. In LIDER we discussed to collaborate between the OLWG and the W3C LD4LT community group
http://w3.org/community/ld4lt/ <http://w3.org/community/ld4lt/>
That group has served as the industry board of LIDER and gathered quite a few participants from industry. LD4LT has not been active in the last months, and we want to get the ball rolling again with activities this year. One will be a telephone conference on the FREME project, and that will be open to everybody. Participation from OLWG is especially welcome. Some background info is here
https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2016Jan/0000.html <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2016Jan/0000.html>
I will send around details later.


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