[open-linguistics] Question: replacing language codes in a SPARQL BIND statement?

Manuel Fiorelli manuel.fiorelli at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 18:24:08 UTC 2016

Hi John, All

In the SPARQL 1.1 specification, I found some functions that could be
useful to Dr. Christian Chiarcos.

STRLANG (https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-strlang) allows to
construct an RDF literal from its literal form and language tag, such as:

bind(strlang("Mais", "it") as ?aLiteral)

langMatches (https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-langMatches)
allows to match a language tag against a language range. By means of this
function, it should be possible to match the language tags en_GB and en_US
against en.

However, I don't know a standard function that transforms language tags
from a standard to another. If the queries are evaluated by an endpoint
controlled by the user, depending on the specific technologies in use, it
should be possible to register additional functions performing specialized
tasks (however, in such a case, the queries will be obviously dependent on
the existence of non standard functions)

Best Regards

Manuel Fiorelli

2016-03-13 17:23 GMT+01:00 John McCrae <john at mccr.ae>:

> As far as I know there is no provision in SPARQL for querying ignoring the
> language literal. In RDF at least "cat", "cat"@en and "cat"@en-GB are all
> different values. Perhaps you could ask this question on a list like
> public-lod at w3.org or semantic-web at w3.org?
> Regards,
> John
> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 11:09 AM, Christian Chiarcos <
> chiarcos at informatik.uni-frankfurt.de> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> this is a general technical question, albeit one specific to working with
>> multilinguality issues in multiple lemon/ontolex dictionaries, hence I'm
>> asking here in the first place.
>> Imagine the following situation: I use the Russian DBnary (provided in a
>> slightly extended variant of the old lemon) and an ontolex dictionary for
>> Chalkan (with Russian glosses). Both provided by third parties, and I do
>> not want to manipulate the data prior to querying. Now, I want to use
>> DBnary to retrieve an English gloss for the Chalkan words in a single
>> SPARQL query.
>> If both dictionaries use the same xml:lang representation, this works
>> rather well (I skip the query for reasons of brevity): I bind the Russian
>> gloss from the Chalkan dictionary to variable ?ru and start searching
>> DBnary for a data property that assigns ?ru as literal.
>> It is more complicated, though, if both files use different language
>> codes, e.g., ISO-639-3 (rus) and ISO-639-2 (ru) for Russian, or if a
>> language code with region sub-tag is used (e.g., ru-RU). Is there any way
>> to use, say, BIND to bind the string value of ?ru to a new variable which
>> uses ISO-639-2 codes instead of the original ISO-639-3 (resp.
>> ISO-639-2+ISO-3166) code?
>> At the moment, I see only one way to solve this problem, i.e., using
>> FILTER, str() and a string comparison of both variables. This should be
>> fairly inefficient, though, as I presume the FILTER is applied only after
>> all potential bindings for both variables for Russian terms have been
>> determined.
>> Am I overlooking anything?
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> --
>> Prof. Dr. Christian Chiarcos
>> Applied Computational Linguistics
>> Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.
>> 60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
>> office: Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, #401b
>> mail: chiarcos at informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
>> web: http://acoli.cs.uni-frankfurt.de
>> tel: +49-(0)69-798-22463
>> fax: +49-(0)69-798-28931
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Manuel Fiorelli
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