[open-linguistics] LOD Cloud Validator

Marko Orešković moreskovic at nsk.hr
Fri Aug 25 09:33:07 UTC 2017

Thank you very much John,
URL is https://old.datahub.io/dataset/ssf-lexicon
I guess there might be some issues that needs to be resolved in order to gain a better completeness level, but I hoped to use a validator to detect them, and then correct them with the final goal of being included into global LLOD cloud.

Thank you,

From: open-linguistics [mailto:open-linguistics-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of John McCrae
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2017 11:30 AM
To: A list for those interested in open data in linguistics. <open-linguistics at lists.okfn.org>
Subject: Re: [open-linguistics] LOD Cloud Validator


The validator is maintained by Anja Jentzch at Potsdam, but has not been updated for a long while. If you email me the URL of your Datahub entry I can check it for you.

John P. McCrae

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Marko Orešković <moreskovic at nsk.hr<mailto:moreskovic at nsk.hr>> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to do validation of my dataset but seems like LOD validator (http://validator.lod-cloud.net) is broken ?
For every dataset I try it shows that Level is 0. (even for those that are already part of the LLOD cloud)
Does anyone knows why ?

Thank you,
Marko Oreskovic

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