[open-linguistics] [CFP] OPEN MIGHTY STORAGE (MOCHA) CHALLENGE 2017-2018

Hobbit Team community at project-hobbit.eu
Tue Oct 10 07:59:34 UTC 2017

Open Mighty Storage Challenge 2017-2018

After the successful organization of the MOCHA challenge at the ESWC 2017, the HOBBIT project (http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=7b7d8e8ab2&e=ba2124fabf) is proud to announce that MOCHA will be launched in September as an open challenge. The MOCHA Open Challenge will run periodically with cutoff dates in February and September. Therewith, the challenge will ensure continuous participation and system evaluation.
Stay tuned and get ready to participate!

1. Monetary prizes will be provided to the best winning systems at each cutoff date.
2. Please express your interest in the MOCHA Open Challenge by adding your email in the link: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=1c7367b7a7&e=ba2124fabf. You will receive further information and notifications regarding the progress of the MOCHA Open Challenge.

Important Dates
Dry-Run                        September 18th, 2017 – October 29th, 2017
Training Phase                 October 30th, 2017* – January 31st, 2018
Test Phase                     February 1st, 2018 – February 28th, 2018
Proclamation of results        February 28th, 2018

*Weekly release of evaluation results from the end of October onwards

The winner of the challenge will get a prize of 250€

MOCHA Open Challenge at a glance
The aim of this challenge is to test the performance of solutions for SPARQL processing in aspects that are relevant for modern applications. These include ingesting data, answering queries on large datasets, versioning data, browsing and serving as backend for applications using Linked Data. The MOCHA Open Challenge will test the systems against data derived from real applications and with realistic loads. The open challenge comprises the following tasks:

* Task 1 (Data Ingestion) will measure how well systems can ingest streams of RDF data.
* Task 2 (Data Storage) will measure how well data stores perform for different types of queries.
* Task 3 (Versioning) will measure how well versioning and archiving systems for Linked Data manage evolving datasets and queries evaluated across the multiple versions of said datasets.
* Task 4 (Browsing) will check if existing solutions perform adequately for applications that address browsing through large data sets.

Small test data and documentation are available now for all the MOCHA tasks:
Task 1: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=c1a6b0f479&e=ba2124fabf
Task 2: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=7fe1f1891b&e=ba2124fabf
Task 3: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=deb2c75047&e=ba2124fabf
Task 4: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=12a10fd6b2&e=ba2124fabf

* Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Institute for Applied Informatics, Germany
* Irini Fundulaki, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Greece
* Mirko Spasic, OpenLink, UK
* Henning Petzka, Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
* Vassiliki Rentoumi, NCSR “Demokritos”, Greece

Further Information and Contact
For detailed information, including datasets and submission guidelines,
please visit the challenge website: http://project-hobbit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00d040a1bedee64c86d8911b0&id=8d21f7ad69&e=ba2124fabf
Contact Email: mightystoragechallenge-contact at googlegroups.com OR georgala at informatik.uni-leipzig.de

Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data - HOBBIT EU Project

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