[open-linguistics] Survey: Interactions: Platforms for Working with Linked Data (in DH)

Christian Chiarcos chiarcos at informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Mar 29 07:26:33 UTC 2018

Dear all,

please see below the CfP for an (L)LOD-related workshop at DH2018. Unless  
you're attending DH anyway, this may be a little bit out of the way, but  
note that they conduct an open survey where researchers not physically  
participating can enlist their tools and resources. As the philologies are  
partially aware of LLOD only, this would be a good chance to let people in  
this community know about (y)our efforts to help them not to reinvent the  
wheel ;)


------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------
Von: Kim <kimberleymartin at gmail.com>
An: lod at lists.digitalhumanities.org
Betreff: [LODSIG] CFP: Interactions: Platforms for Working with Linked Data
Datum: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 19:00:24 +0200

                CFP: Interactions: Platforms for Working with Linked Data

Monday, June 25th, 2018

at DH2018 in Mexico City

This is a call for participation in a half-day workshop on Platforms for  
Working with  Linked Data that will take place on the on June 25th, 2018,  
one day prior to the start of Digital Humanities 2018, in Mexico City. The  
workshop seeks to bring together a wide selection of LOD scholars,  
researchers, and advocates to share ideas for future LOD tools or  

Prospective participants should submit the following:
Up to 3 tools, platforms, or features of these that you would like to see  
highlighted at the workshop.
Details about your LOD tool (if relevant), including a link to the tool,  
and a brief summary of its features (one-page max).

Submissions should be via this Google Form by April 20th:  

The submission form requests permission to make your submission part of an  
openly available online resource with a CC-BY-NC licence. Projects or  
researchers unable to participate are invited to submit a summary for  
inclusion in this resource (see below).

The 2017 workshop resulted in this collection: Advancing Linked Open Data  
in the Humanities. We intend to publish the 2018 collection of LOD tool  
descriptions in a similar format.

After April 20th, the conference program committee will review the tool  
descriptions and the topics given by potential attendees and will send out  
a schedule of presentations no later than April 30th.

Please note: If you are unable to attend DH2018 but would still like to  
contribute a description of your LOD tool to the growing open source  
resource, please fill in the form above (it will ask you if you are  
attending). This link will remain open after the workshop call is complete  
to collect further contributions.

Looking forward to hearing about the exciting work everyone is doing with  
Linked Open Data!


Susan Brown

Kim Martin

Abi Lemak
Deb Stacey
Karl Grossner

Lisa Goddard

Sharon Farnell

(The DH2018 LOD Workshop Program Committee)

Kim Martin
Michael Ridley Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities
Co-Founder, The MakerBus Collaborative
College of Arts
University of Guelph
MacKinnon Building Rm 1001
Phone: (519) 824-4120 ex. 58245
Twitter: @antimony27

Prof. Dr. Christian Chiarcos
Applied Computational Linguistics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.
60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

office: Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, #401b
mail: chiarcos at informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
web: http://acoli.cs.uni-frankfurt.de
tel: +49-(0)69-798-22463
fax: +49-(0)69-798-28931
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