[open-linguistics] MWE-WN 2019: Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Wordnets (2nd CfP)

Jelena Mitrovic jecovit at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 07:27:36 UTC 2019

Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Wordnets (MWE-WN 2019)


Workshop at ACL 2019 <http://www.acl2019.org/EN/index.xhtml> (Florence,
Italy), August 2, 2019

Organized and sponsored by the Special Interest Group on the Lexicon (SIGLEX
<http://www.siglex.org/>) of the Association for Computational Linguistics (
ACL <https://www.aclweb.org/portal/>). Endorsed by the Global Wordnet
Association <http://globalwordnet.org/>.  This event is the 15th edition of
the Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE


As a joint event, this workshop  addresses two domains – multiword
expressions and Wordnets – with partly overlapping communities and research
interests, but relatively divergent practices and terminologies.

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are word combinations, such as all of a sudden,
a hot dog, to pay a visit or to pull one's leg, which exhibit lexical,
syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and/or statistical idiosyncrasies. MWEs
closely related linguistic objects such as idioms, compounds, light verb
constructions, rhetorical figures, institutionalised phrases or
collocations. Modelling and computational aspects of MWEs have been covered
by the Multiword Expression Workshop, organised over the past years by the MWE
section <http://multiword.sourceforge.net/> of SIGLEX
<http://www.siglex.org/>. Because of their unpredictable behavior, and most
prominently their non-compositional semantics, MWEs pose special problems
in linguistic modelling (e.g. treebank annotation and grammar engineering),
in NLP pipelines (e.g. when their orchestration with parsing is concerned),
and in end-use applications (e.g. information extraction or machine

>From its very beginning, Princeton WordNet has included MWEs, and linked
their meanings into a shared network: talk, blab, sing, spill the beans,
let the cat out of the bag, tattle, peach, babble, babble out, blab out
“divulge confidential information or secrets”. Indeed, over 50% of entries
in the Princeton WordNet of English are MWEs and most other wordnets have a
similarly high percentage. However, MWEs are generally encoded as a string,
with no internal information about syntactic structure or
compositionality.  Many suggestions for richer encodings have been made but
not yet widely adopted, partly because of the cost of adding richer data to
already large lexicons.

For the above reasons, the MWE and WN communities are organizing this joint
event, which should allow better convergences and scientific innovation. We
call for papers focusing on research related (but not limited) to the
following topics.
Joint topics on MWEs and Wordnets


   Encoding MWEs in wordnets --- how can we take advantage of the existing
   rich structure of wordnets?

   Encoding MWEs in wordnets --- consequences for a lexical-semantic
   organization of MWEs

   Linking wordnets with existing MWE lexicons

   Word sense disambiguation for single-word and multiword expressions

   Cross-wordnet and cross-language comparisons of MWEs

   MWEs in sense-annotated corpora

   Semantic relations in wordnets related to MWEs

MWE-specific topics


   Computationally-applicable theoretical studies on MWEs and constructions
   in psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics and formal grammars

   MWE and construction annotation in corpora and treebanks

   MWE and construction representation in manually/automatically
   constructed lexical resources

   Processing of MWEs and constructions in syntactic and semantic
   frameworks (e.g. CCG, CxG, HPSG, LFG, TAG, UD, etc.), and in end-user
   applications (e.g. information extraction, machine translation and

   Original discovery and identification methods for MWEs and constructions

   MWEs and constructions in language acquisition and in non-standard
   language (e.g. tweets, forums, spontaneous speech)

   Evaluation of annotation and processing techniques for MWEs and

   Retrospective comparative analyses from the PARSEME shared tasks on
   automatic identification of MWEs

Note that, with the intention to also perpetuate previous converging
effects with the Construction Grammar community (see the LAW-MWE-CxG 2018
workshop <http://multiword.sourceforge.net/lawmwecxg2018/>), we extend the
traditional MWE scope to include grammatical constructions.

Submission modalities

There are two tracks:


   Regular research track, where the submissions must be substantially

   Dissemination track, which welcomes recent previously published work (or
   work accepted for publication), dedicated explicitly both to MWEs and
   WordNet.   This will be presented to encourage discussion, but only the
   abstract will appear in the proceedings.

The regular research track submissions should follow one of the 2 formats:


   Long papers (8 content pages + references): Long papers should report on
   solid and finished research including new experimental results, resources
   and/or techniques.

   Short papers (4 content pages + references): Short papers should report
   on small experiments, focused contributions, ongoing research, negative
   results and/or philosophical discussion.

The decisions as to oral or poster presentations of the selected papers
will be taken by the PC chairs. No distinction between papers presented
orally and as posters is made in the workshop proceedings. There is no
limit on the number of reference pages. Authors will be granted an extra
page for the final version of their papers. The submission will be
double-blind, as understood by the ACL 2019 submission policy. The reported
research should be substantially original. Papers available as preprints
can also be submitted provided that they fulfil the conditions defined by
the new ACL Policies for Submission, Review and Citation
For both types of submissions in this track, the ACL 2019 templates should
be used.

The dissemination track submissions are not anonymous, and they should not
exceed one page, including the authors' names and affiliations, the mention
of the original venue, the link to the original paper and a short
explanation why the paper is relevant to MWEs and Wordnets workshop. If the
original paper is not publicly available, it should also be submitted in a
separate .pdf file but it does not have to follow the ACL 2019 template.

All papers should be submitted via the following START space:

Please choose the appropriate track (research/dissemination) and for
research papers the submission modality (long/short).
Important dates

We follow the the ACL 2019 workshop schedule:


   Apr 26, 2019 Paper Submission due

   May 24, 2019 Notification of Acceptance

   Jun 3, 2019 Camera-ready papers due

   Aug 2, 2019 Workshop Dates

Workshop Organizers


   Agata Savary <http://www.info.univ-tours.fr/~savary/>, Université
   François Rabelais Tours (France)

   Carla Parra Escartín <https://sites.google.com/site/carlaparraescartin/>,
   ADAPT Centre / Dublin City University (Ireland)

   Francis Bond <http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/fcbond/>, Nanyang
   Technological University (Singapore)

   Jelena Mitrović <https://bit.ly/2NhL2lz>, University of Passau (Germany)

   Verginica Barbu Mititelu
   Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Romania)

The organizers will also chair the program committee.  The full committee
is shown on http://multiword.sourceforge.net/mwewn2019/.

For any inquiries regarding the workshop please send an email to
mwewn2019 at gmail.com

Anti-harassment policyThe workshop supports the ACL anti-harassment policy

Dr. Jelena Mitrović
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik
Universität Passau / ITZ / Raum 114
Innstr. 43
94032 Passau
+49 851 509 3395

jelena.mitrovic at uni-passau.de
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