[open-linguistics] JSON-NLP and code for NLP Microservices

Amirouche Boubekki amirouche.boubekki at gmail.com
Fri May 17 15:05:49 UTC 2019

Le ven. 17 mai 2019 à 16:44, Damir Cavar <dcavar at me.com> a écrit :

> Dear colleagues,
> please forgive me for posting some shameless advertisement for various
> technologies and software packages in the NLP domain that I was working
> on over the last year or two. Given that the papers and proposals for
> demos or presentations documenting this work have all been rejected by
> NAACL, ACL and other conferences, me and my students still believe that
> this is of interest to a broader NLP community, in particular when it
> comes to real deployment of NLP technologies in scalable and big data
> related environments. We will put the papers, a whitepaper, and the
> JSON-NLP and API documentation up on Arxiv and publish the tutorials
> online linked from http://nlp-lab.org/.
> Here the shameless ad:
> First, we have specified a JSON-NLP Schema at:
> https://github.com/dcavar/JSON-NLP

How do you handle bigger than RAM json files?

Thanks in advance,

Amirouche ~ amz3
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