[open-linguistics] Developing a consolidated LOD vocabulary for linguistic annotations

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Sat Jan 18 10:43:07 UTC 2020

Dear all,

with this email, I would like to ask for interest in the development of a
consolidated LOD vocabulary for linguistic annotations for applications
across language technology, empirical linguistics, computational
lexicography, digital humanities, etc. There are numerous vocabularies
available for the purpose, most notably Web Annotation (more used in
BioNLP and DH), NIF (more frequently used in NLP), and continued support
for both seems to be desired by their respective user community. Yet, they
are neither fully interoperable with each other nor do they cover all
relevant usecases* or provide the capabilities of more generic formats.**

I am in the process of reaching out to different communities to ask for
expressions of interest to discuss this further (for the moment, a private
email to me). So, if this is of any interest to you, please let me know.
If, say, at least five possible contributors can be found, I would set up
a Doodle poll to organize a joint call. The goal of that call would be to
discuss how and where to proceed. One possibility is a discussion within a
designated W3C Community Group, say, LD4LT
(https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt), but we can discuss other options, as

Best regards,

* This is why other, more specialized formats do exist, e.g., the LAPPS
Interchange Format [https://wiki.lappsgrid.org/interchange/overview.html],
CoNLL-RDF [https://github.com/acoli-repo/conll-rdf/blob/master/owl],
RDF-NAF [http://wordpress.let.vupr.nl/naf/], formats for Interlinear
Glossed Text [https://github.com/acoli-repo/ligt].

** Generic (pre-RDF) vocabularies for linguistic annotations in general
include LAF [https://www.iso.org/standard/37326.html] and LAF
implementations such as PAULA
[https://www.sfb632.uni-potsdam.de/en/paula.html] and its OWL2/DL
serialization POWLA [http://purl.org/powla].

Prof. Dr. Christian Chiarcos
Applied Computational Linguistics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.
60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

office: Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15, #107
mail: chiarcos at informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
web: http://acoli.cs.uni-frankfurt.de
tel: +49-(0)69-798-22463
fax: +49-(0)69-798-28334

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