[open-literature] Open Shakespeare Bulletin

James Harriman-Smith jh570 at cam.ac.uk
Fri May 13 20:04:09 UTC 2011

Good evening,

Here is the second Open Shakespeare bulletin, and, as ever, I'll keep it

*Things done*
- Presentation of Open Shakespeare at the Digital Humanities
cross-disciplinary event in Cambridge.
- Meeting with Lucy Chambers of the Open Knowledge Foundation to discuss
improvements to the project.

*Things to do*
- 1 min: leave an annotation!
- 2 min: email me a short blurb about yourself, so that I can create a link
to 'core annotators/contributors' on the Open Shakespeare website, thus
encouraging people doubtful of our authenticity to contribute.
- 10min: pick one of the following words (or find your own) and write a
short word of the day article about it; it need contain no more than
information about the word's frequency and two or three sentences on its
interest: bagpipe, boreas, cat, dog...

Have a good weekend everyone,

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