[open-science-dev] PyBOSSA: re-implementing the open source PHP BOSSA framework in Python

Nigini Abilio nigini at lsd.ufcg.edu.br
Wed Dec 7 12:02:22 UTC 2011

Hello there.

As Lucas said, I was really busy with some deadlines at November but now we
here in Brazil will try to sync with your great work. I'm really interested
in helping at the pyBOSSA project, mainly at the API design and
implementation. We'll probably have a study case that will use it.

I'll get the code now and try to feedback this week, including the look at
our code to think about how to rewrite it to pyBOSSA.


2011/11/25 Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> During a hackfest in Cape Town (Africa at Home), and thanks to the
> collaboration of Rufus Pollock from Okfn, we have started to port and
> improve BOSSA (a volunteer thinking framework) to Python. You can find the
> code here: https://github.com/citizen-cyberscience-centre/pybossa
> BOSSA is a framework that allows the creation of projects where the humans
> are the CPUs. Imagine a project where an algorithm has to answer the
> following question: does this photograph contain a dog? While for
> algorithms, usually, this will be very complicated for humans is a fairly
> simple task. BOSSA helps in the creation of this kind of projects,
> providing tools for managing users, jobs, etc.
> During the Africa at Home hackfest, we were in contact with the main
> developer of BOSSA and agreed on porting the code to Python.
> This new implementation will allow running a central service, decoupling
> the task interface from BOSSA. This will allow the creation of different
> projects based on any programming language as the core system will provide
> a nice API to request and submit jobs using JSON. BOSSA will take care of
> distributing the tasks among its users.
> The improvements of this new version are:
> - Flaskr micro-framework
> - HTML templates engine
> - API
> - Python, who doesn't love Python ;) (remember batteries included!)
> Therefore, if anyone is interested in helping us, send us an e-mail!
> Best regards,
> Daniel
> --
> Citizen Cyberscience Centre
> www.citizencyberscience.net
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> http://github.com/teleyinex
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