[open-science-dev] PyBOSSA: re-implementing the open source PHP BOSSA framework in Python
Daniel Lombraña González
teleyinex at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 06:55:47 UTC 2011
2011/12/18 Francois Grey <francois.grey at cern.ch>
> Hi,
> I think we should discuss this with David Anderson. Maybe the PyBossa
> code is substantially different, but the concept comes from Bossa as the
> name suggests. And Bossa in turn comes from the experience of running
> Stardust at Home.
> As it happens, David will be visiting me this coming week, and we have a
> skype conf call lined up this coming Friday 23/12 at 9am Geneva time to
> discuss some matters, so why not use part of that time to discuss PyBossa
> with him? Anyone who can join at say, 9:30am to discuss PyBossa development
> and licencing plans is very welcome.
Sure! I'll be there :)
> I think he will be delighted with what we are doing, but it's always a
> good idea to ask.
I agree with you, we should ask him about this issue.
> Francois
> From: Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 11:15:33 +0100
> To: Javier Ruiz <javier at openrightsgroup.org>
> Cc: <open-science-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> Subject: Re: [open-science-dev] PyBOSSA: re-implementing the open source
> PHP BOSSA framework in Python
> Hi,
> You have raised really good points ;) The only issue I do not fully get is
> that PyBOSSA is a complete re-write of BOSSA. We are only using their table
> structure for MySQL DB, nothing else. Do we need to contact them for
> checking the license issue if we are not using none of their source code?
> LGPL sounds good too to me.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 17:26, Javier Ruiz <javier at openrightsgroup.org>wrote:
>> I think Thomas proposal makes sense. LGPL was designed for libraries
>> which by necessity would always be combined with other pieces of software
>> as enablers of functionality, and you could think of the Bossa system in a
>> similar fashion. LGPL would allow any changes to be fed back into the
>> common pool but without forcing license changes on other components of the
>> combined new system.
>> --
>> Javier Ruiz
>> javier at openrightsgroup.org
>> +44(0)7877 911 412
>> @javierruiz
>> On Wednesday, 14 December 2011 at 16:00, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
>> 2011/12/14 Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex at gmail.com>
>> I would like to know which are the problems of using AGPL3 as this will
>> really enforce a real open source project in the sense of a copyleft
>> project. As PyBOSSA is going to provide a service, if we choose another
>> license it will be possible to add new features, modify it, etc. without
>> releasing the changes (that will be a pity) while with AGPLv3 you are
>> forced to do it. If you go to the FSF and check the licenses they clearly
>> recommend to adopt AGPLv3 if you are building a service and you want your
>> code to be as open as possible ;)
>> I think the issue with the AGPL is that it's not clear quite how much
>> code could be considered a derivative work, and would therefore need to be
>> released under the AGPL as well. MongoDB, for example, uses the AGPL for
>> the core, but specifically adds "*we promise that your client
>> application which uses the database is a separate work"*[1].
>> For a framework, as I understand it, any project you use it for would
>> need to be released, which is probably a non-starter for many users. You
>> could grant this as a specific exception, like MongoDB, but it's probably
>> simpler just to use a more permissive license to start with. I doubt
>> anyone's going to add valuable proprietary code into the framework itself -
>> and if they do, how would you tell? - so there's probably little benefit to
>> using AGPL.
>> For reference, (PHP) Bossa appears to be under LGPL, so you'd need
>> agreement from their contributors to use a BSD style license. I'd suggest
>> that the LGPL is the path of least resistance for PyBossa as well.
>> Thomas
>> [1] http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Licensing
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