[Open-science-nl] Open Science and the National Plan OS

Fairs, Amie Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl
Mon Feb 6 16:50:48 UTC 2017

Hi Jeroen and Bianca, and others,

Thank you for sending this email round to everyone. Like the other people who have responded, I won't be able to make it to the meeting on Thursday. However, I am going to make sure I follow the news straight after!

I would definitely be interested in a meeting, as I am interested in open science practices anyway and I am starting up a new project to try to investigate why lots of researchers don't practice open science.

Thanks also for the discussion list sign-up link, I'm not on it but I'll be sure to sign up right now.



Amie Fairs
PhD candidate
International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
PO Box 310 | 6500 AH Nijmegen | The Netherlands
Email: amie.fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:amie.fairs at mpi.nl> | Phone: +31(0)243521381

From: Zee, T. van der [mailto:t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl]
Sent: 06 February 2017 17:03
To: 'Simon Columbus'; Caux, Jean-Sébastien; Wanders, Florian
Cc: Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen); Fairs, Amie; zwaan at fsw.eur.nl; D.Lakens at tue.nl; egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl; c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu; Epskamp, Sacha; m.b.nuijten at uvt.nl; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan; Eerland, A. (Anita); m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl; h.ijzerman- at vu.nl; Faez, S. (Sanli); c.j.albers at rug.nl; b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl; r.bekkers at vu.nl; open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
Subject: RE: Open Science and the National Plan OS

Hi all,

Thanks for the invitation. As I am on a different continent at the moment it will be hard for me to attend the meeting, but I fully support this cause.
Please do keep us/me informed on future actions and ways we can contribute.


From: simoncolumbus at googlemail.com<mailto:simoncolumbus at googlemail.com> [mailto:simoncolumbus at googlemail.com] On Behalf Of Simon Columbus
Sent: maandag 6 februari 2017 15:11
To: Caux, Jean-Sébastien; Wanders, Florian
Cc: Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen); Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl>; zwaan at fsw.eur.nl<mailto:zwaan at fsw.eur.nl>; D.Lakens at tue.nl<mailto:D.Lakens at tue.nl>; egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl<mailto:egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl>; c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu<mailto:c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu>; Epskamp, Sacha; m.b.nuijten at uvt.nl<mailto:m.b.nuijten at uvt.nl>; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan; Eerland, A. (Anita); m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl>; h.ijzerman- at vu.nl<mailto:h.ijzerman- at vu.nl>; Faez, S. (Sanli); c.j.albers at rug.nl<mailto:c.j.albers at rug.nl>; b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl<mailto:b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl>; r.bekkers at vu.nl<mailto:r.bekkers at vu.nl>; Zee, T. van der; open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org>; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
Subject: Re: Open Science and the National Plan OS

Dear Jeroen, Bianca,

thank you for taking this initiative.

I would be very interested in a meeting to coordinate open science efforts. I know that in Germany, initiatives based at the various universities are loosely coordinated through a network (https://osf.io/tbkzh/); something similar would be very useful in NL.

Unfortunately, I fear that this week may be too short of a notice, though I will see whether I can make it to Den Haag on Thursday.

Kind regards,

P.S. I've added Florian Wanders to the addressees; we've collaborated on a number of efforts.

On 6 February 2017 at 11:51, Caux, Jean-Sébastien <J.S.Caux at uva.nl<mailto:J.S.Caux at uva.nl>> wrote:
Dear Bianca and Jeroen,

Many thanks for your message and your initiative.

I and many professional scientist colleagues are greatly in favour of Open Science, but feel that many of the initiatives proposed come short of a full solution to our problems.

That’s one of the reasons why I launched SciPost (https://scipost.org), in order to provide a true grassroots solution to the problems of scientific publishing, by and for scientists.

I am unfortunately unable to make this Thursday’s meeting, but would be interested in a follow-up meeting as you propose in your email.

All the best,
J-S Caux

Prof. dr Jean-Sébastien Caux
Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
tel.: +31(0)20 5255775<tel:+31%2020%20525%205775>
fax: +31 (0)20 5255778<tel:+31%2020%20525%205778>

On 6 Feb, 2017, at 11:14 AM, Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) <j.bosman at uu.nl<mailto:j.bosman at uu.nl>> wrote:

Dear Open Science enthusiast,

We are two Open Science advocates, activists if you will, who have been actively involved in charting and interpreting developments in Open Science both nationally and internationally. We have been pondering whether or not to reach out to you collectively, and a few circumstances made us decide to indeed do so.

This Thursday (February 9, at 3PM) a number of Dutch organizations will sign the ‘National Plan Open Science’ during a meeting in The Hague (you can register here<https://m8.mailplus.nl/genericservice/code/servlet/React?wpEncId=jjr8Swy6Gu&wpMessageId=1483&userId=380363&command=viewPage&activityId=test&encId=1> if you want to attend). This is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Sander Dekker) and has been prepared in relative seclusion over the last three months. Apart from the organizations involved a number of others (us included) have been interviewed, or have provided feedback on a 80%-version of the plan after reading the blogposts by Wilma van Wezenbeek<https://tulibrarian.weblog.tudelft.nl/author/wvanwezenbeek/>.

Simultaneously with the signing of the National Plan Open Science, an Open Science platform and website will be launched (https://openscience.nl/).

The National Plan Open Science focuses on more open access, open data and changes in assessment culture. These aims are to be fostered by organizations supporting researchers (funders, institutions, libraries, SURF, VSNU etc.)

We wonder though what you as researchers think of Open Science developments, especially those in the Netherlands. We are witnessing growing interest among researchers in practicing Open Science, which can also be concluded from increasing usage of e.g. preprints, OSF, R, GitHub, open access, Publons and from institutions and funders (EU, NWO etc.) increasingly stressing the importance of Open Science.

We would like to ask whether you would be interested in an open meeting to discuss what you as researchers think priorities for Open Science should be and to what extent these fit into the National Plan.

We contend that the many Open Science activities already undertaken by individuals and research groups could benefit from each other. Therefore, it might be good to informally share Open Science practices that people like yourself already have integrated into their workflow, and perhaps discuss how cross-pollination could take shape.

This can also provide valuable information for future discussions with a broader spectrum of (early career) researchers on the incentives and barriers towards implementation of Open Science.

If there is interest in such a meeting, we will announce details via Twitter and on the Open Science-NL discussion list managed by Egon Willighagen (please sign up to that if you have not yet done so: https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-science-nl).

Please let us know if you would be interested to meet each other, and if you know of any other researchers we should contact. If any of you are present at the signing this Thursday we could also discuss the idea of a meeting there. Just let us know.

Kind regards, looking forward to meet you,

Bianca Kramer (@MsPhelps) & Jeroen Bosman (@jeroenbosman)
both at Utrecht University Library
101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication<https://101innovations.wordpress.com/>
Utrecht Summer School course on Open Science<https://www.utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses/science/open-science-and-scholarship-changing-your-research-workflow>

PS In the run-up to the signing of the National Open Science Plan we are sharing various definitions of Open Science that we collected in our own organization. Find them on Twitter by using the hashtag #openscienceis. Add yours if you will ;-)

<image001.jpg>  101 innovations in scholarly communication<https://101innovations.wordpress.com/>
Jeroen Bosman, faculty liaison for the Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University Library<http://www.uu.nl/library>
email: j.bosman at uu.nl<mailto:j.bosman at uu.nl>
telephone: +31.6.24865967<tel:+31%206%2024865967>
mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht
web: Jeroen Bosman<http://www.uu.nl/university/library/en/disciplines/geo/Pages/ContactBosman.aspx>
twitter @jeroenbosman<https://twitter.com/jeroenbosman> / @geolibrarianUBU<https://twitter.com/geolibrarianUBU>
profiles: : Academia<http://uu.academia.edu/JeroenBosman> / Google Scholar<http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-IfPy3IAAAAJ&hl=en> / ISNI<http://www.isni.org/0000000028810209> /
Mendeley<http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/jeroen-bosman/> / MicrosoftAcademic<http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Author/51538592/jeroen-bosman> / ORCID<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5796-2727> / ResearcherID<http://www.researcherid.com/ProfileView.action?queryString=KG0UuZjN5WmCiHc%252FMC4oLVEKrQQu%252BpzQ8%252F9yrRrmi8Y%253D&Init=Yes&SrcApp=CR&returnCode=ROUTER.Success&SID=N27lOD6EgipnADLnAbK> /
ResearchGate<http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeroen_Bosman/> / Scopus<http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7003519484> /  Slideshare<http://www.slideshare.net/hierohiero> /  VIAF<http://viaf.org/viaf/36099266/> /  Worldcat<http://www.worldcat.org/wcidentities/lccn-n91-100619>
blogging at: I&M 2.0<http://im2punt0.wordpress.com/> (with others)

Simon Columbus | Amsterdam Cooperation Lab | VU University
van der Boechorststraat 1 | TR 1B-24 | 1081 BT Amsterdam
http://simoncolumbus.com<http://simoncolumbus.com/> | simon at simoncolumbus.com<mailto:simon at simoncolumbus.com> | ++31-657976480
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