[open-science-ox] TONIGHT Oxford Open Science - Does open science promote innovation?

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Wed May 28 08:27:11 UTC 2014

Hi All

Just a reminder about tonight's event, which is highly recommended - I hope
you can make it!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>
Date: Sat, May 24, 2014 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Oxford Open Science 28 May - Does open science promote innovation?
To: open-science-ox at lists.okfn.org

Oxford Open Science -
 Does open science promote innovation?
Oxford e-Research Centre, 7 Keble Road
Wed 28 May, 19:00-20:30

Join Professor Chas Bountra to discuss the question of whether open science
approaches including greater transparency, sharing and collaboration will
lead to greater and faster scientific innovation. Chas is Chief Scientist
at the SGC (Structural Genomics Consortium) and an advocate of
pre-competitive open drug discovery:

“Society desperately needs more novel medicines, but drug discovery is too
expensive, takes too long and is too high risk for any one organisation. We
need to breakdown institutional and intellectual property barriers that
slow down or prevent collaboration."

Find out more from Chas' recent talk at #openoxford

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